Bluetick Pup


Senior Member
I got a 10 week old bluetick pup and just was wondering what yall thought about letting her run around and play on the yard for a few hours everyday, and playin with her some. I had some people tell me it wasn't a good Idea to play with them really, but I just was lookin for some advice to back that, or disprove it...


Senior Member
Do it...Heck you want em to be your buddy!!!!!!!!! Not only will it help one.You can teach them to come and other stuff..It does one good to run out..

thomas williams

Senior Member
letting them out is good. take her for walks in the woods. if u don't let them out, then they won't get used to the smells and sounds of the woods and will probably be alot harder to train when they get older. Just my opinion though.