Bought some land

Josh B

Senior Member
I bought 12 acres in Baldwin county Monday. So today I will be hanging cameras and putting out a feeder. I looked a long time for the perfect piece of land since I couldn't afford a larger chunk of land. It is shaped like a triangle so it feels larger walking property lines. It is bordered by 600 acres of Ga Power land that is thick small pines on one side. A park across the road and there's a 1000 acre cattle farm that also borders it. I was told the cattle farm trophy manages. I found some decent rubs so I know there's at least one buck around. I'm looking forward to building a luxury stand and making a food plot. So hopefully my next post will be some pictures.


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
Congratulations !!!

slow motion

Senior Member
Congratulations on the purchase. Please update us on the process.


Congrats Josh, nothing like the feeling of owning you own land to hunt on! Put in some sweat equity and it will pay off. Hope you make. many great memories!

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
Congratulations and welcome to the wonderful world of small property hunting! In a sense, everyone hunts small property because you can only see so far in the woods anyway! :LOL:
I'm sure you'll make it into something great.
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Staff member
Most excellent and as long as you keep paying the property taxes you don't have to worry about your lease being cancelled or Florida boys scarfing it. :bounce: :rockon:

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