Boundless love


Senior Member
We've got it backwards, as the Body of Christ. We make such a big deal out of sin, rather than Jesus. That very sentence can upset the person who hears behavior-improvement sermons every Sunday rather than Christ-centered teachings.
They think we are saying sinning is just fine because we're making much of Jesus.⁣ They are sin-conscious rather than Christ-conscious.

The Pharisees had this same thought process. Behavior, behavior, behavior. Sin, sin, sin. This was so ingrained in their minds—because this was the whole point of the Law (Rom 5:20, 6:14)—they missed the very Messiah their scriptures foretold about.

But our modern church does the same, in general. We’re sin-focused not Christ-focused, therefore our church really isn’t making a big deal of just how big sin truly is. Do you see the paradox?

When we make a big deal out of Jesus what we’re really doing is making a big deal out of sin because we aren’t making a big deal out of sin.

I know, I know, this is hard to understand, but when we come to a one-time faith in Jesus we are saying our sins are great, we are admitting we’re nasty sinners. This is how we’re saved. But after, we’re no longer sinners but saints who sin sometimes, and our sins aren’t great at all. In fact, they make no sense. Christ has banished them as far as the east is from the west, even future sins, because He’s not bound by time.
Some of our churches do a great job at making the point about sin, which is necessary—BUT THEN SALVATION HAPPENS AND GRACE ENDS.

We start with grace, we must continue with grace (Ephes 2:8-9, Col 2:6). We must refocus on just how great the love of Jesus is. When we grasp this truth, sinful actions and attitudes happen a whole lot less, because we know who we truly are. Identity improves behavior, but behavior can never improve identity.

That’s the love of Jesus.

With permission ...