Climate change is too far gone


Senior Member
Not the actual "process" itself, whether you believe in it or not.

No, what I'm talking about is climate change as concept. As accepted orthodoxy.

I'm sitting here on the couch (in air-conditioned comfort, munching on cheez-its) and reading a lifestyle magazine dedicated to flyfishing. Seems like climate change gets mentioned on every other page.

Earlier in the weekend, I sat in a Waffle House enjoying bacon and eggs and grits and hashbrowns scattered, smothered and covered, catching up on local business news.

Again, among articles about real estate and hotels and investing and technology, I find that climate change is an ever-present theme.

We see it on tv and in the movies. Cars are being built because of it, and product lines are being scrapped over it. Governments are willing to wreck economies for it. It is pervasive, and so commonly accepted as "a thing" that it seems like we have gone so far that we can never get rid of it.


Senior Member
You’re right. It’s here and accepted. I’m not on board though. I’m either too smart or too dumb, but it seems to me, for a variety of reasons to be a concept not worth worrying about.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Over the last million or so years, give or take, these climate changes have been responsible for 4 major ice ages, all over the world. The last one was 12,000 years ago. About time for another one.

And there ain`t one thing we can do about it but hang on for the ride. Personally I hope we all live long enough to see the next one, and I hope that a Smilodon tears the throat out of Al Gore and eats him alive as he bleeds to death.


Senior Member
Nic is absolutely correct.
Earths climate is always changing.
I read a couple days ago that the sun is well into a know cycle where it expels significantly more solar energy.
But no one mentions that in the MSM.
I remember back to a quote I read on here “da erf warms up and da erf cools down”.


Senior Member
Does climate change? Are there sharks teeth found in the Grand Canyon? Are there Calusa burial grounds a mile off the coast of Florida? Yes, yes, yes. It’s hilariously narcissistic to think that man has any meaningful impact on an ever changing climate and geography.


Senior Member
Not the actual "process" itself, whether you believe in it or not.

No, what I'm talking about is climate change as concept. As accepted orthodoxy.

I'm sitting here on the couch (in air-conditioned comfort, munching on cheez-its) and reading a lifestyle magazine dedicated to flyfishing. Seems like climate change gets mentioned on every other page.

Earlier in the weekend, I sat in a Waffle House enjoying bacon and eggs and grits and hashbrowns scattered, smothered and covered, catching up on local business news.

Again, among articles about real estate and hotels and investing and technology, I find that climate change is an ever-present theme.

We see it on tv and in the movies. Cars are being built because of it, and product lines are being scrapped over it. Governments are willing to wreck economies for it. It is pervasive, and so commonly accepted as "a thing" that it seems like we have gone so far that we can never get rid of it.

And the sad part is if we stop using fossil fuels (to save the planet from rising temperatures) we will destroy the planet mining all the minerals & materials we need to make batteries. Also, we will have millions of children in other countries working their fingers to the bone in toxic environments gathering, mining & treating all the things we are ripping out of the ground, which causes erosion and poisons water supplies and agricultural land. :mad:

My point? There is no such thing as a free lunch. We just swap one set of horrendous problems producing X amount of needed energy for a different set of horrendous problems producing X amount of needed energy.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
We as a people are arrogant and egotistical. To the point that we really think (some of us) that we can destroy this planet. That won`t ever happen. We might destroy ourselves, but no matter what we throw at this big rock, we can`t destroy it and it will heal itself and prosper just fine without our help or interference.

Whether we are here or not.


Management Material
It’s all part of the systematic brain washing. If they repeat it enough then people will start to believe it. It’s human nature. I post a video a couple years ago where John Kerry himself, admits that no matter what happens in this country, we are less than 10% of the problems


Senior Member
A real life demonstration of the efficacy of massive, repeated propaganda. For thirty years we have been told that man made catastrophic climate change is real, immediate, and devastating. The drumbeat of 97% of claims, forecasting all kinds of deadlines for immediate critical action to prevent, or minimize the consequences of our excessive CO2 production, has left so many people convinced climate change is real.

The question I have is pretty simple, will the majority of the population EVER accept that the "man made" part isn't real?


Senior Member
This current “climate change” rhetoric is chaff being thrown out by leftist politicians to excuse all their failures in doing anything while pouring money hand over fist into fluffed up projects….each of which have a tidbit of climate-related jargon with the rest going into their special interests areas.

It is a bright shiny object they want to have us focus on.

China will flourish as the major producers of batteries for all this electric stuff the US politicians promote while hobbling our own oil independence.

Most of these politicians are very much in step with China and being paid well.

It is treasonous.


Senior Member
We as a people are arrogant and egotistical. To the point that we really think (some of us) that we can destroy this planet. That won`t ever happen. We might destroy ourselves, but no matter what we throw at this big rock, we can`t destroy it and it will heal itself and prosper just fine without our help or interference.

Whether we are here or not.

Yep, George Carlin said that too: "The planet will be fine! It's the people that are ******!"


Senior Member
Over the last million or so years, give or take, these climate changes have been responsible for 4 major ice ages, all over the world. The last one was 12,000 years ago. About time for another one.

And there ain`t one thing we can do about it but hang on for the ride. Personally I hope we all live long enough to see the next one, and I hope that a Smilodon tears the throat out of Al Gore and eats him alive as he bleeds to death.

Yes, we are currently in an interglacial period that began shortly before the advent of agriculture/civilization. Maybe global warming will spur some great change in our world's cultures & technology, and maybe even evolution if it
is severe enough - who knows? :unsure: It will just be a time of "transition" like Biden says we need to go through (for our own good of course!) with crippling inflation and societal breakdown. :LOL:

Meriwether Mike

Senior Member
Most publications and the media are controlled by leftists. They are pushing this agenda to try and control people and limit our freedom. I am a member of Trout Unlimited, but they are climate change pimps for sure. I remain a member because of the good that happens on the local level.

B. White

Senior Member
Most publications and the media are controlled by leftists. They are pushing this agenda to try and control people and limit our freedom. I am a member of Trout Unlimited, but they are climate change pimps for sure. I remain a member because of the good that happens on the local level.

It's not about climate change. It is about trying to keep folks in fear of something and give the fear mongers better control. Fear of covid subsides, so it is time to ramp back up climate change talk. I suspect most of them talking about it don't believe what they are saying any more than I do.