Concrete floors and aching feet


Senior Member
I know alot of people here work on concrete floors. How in the world do you keep your feet and legs from aching?????


Senior Member
Good shoes and really good insoles. They have some pretty good insoles that you can put in shoes and you probably should change 'em out every few months. They get compacted after a while and don't work well.

Also, if you primarily work in one or a few spots, try to get some rubber mats put down. This can really help with you feet/legs being so worn out.

That's about the best advise I can give. I worked for years standing on concrete floors all day and I know how rough it can be.


GONetwork Member
Duff, I'll have to aree with Minner, and Gacowboy both...carpet or rubber mats, and Woody's


Gone But Not Forgotten
Rubber matting the type with a hole patter in it works best as it moves with the weight of your feet, many employers will provide it if you ask or let them know your having issues, called ergo matting


Senior Member
Thanks guys. I have some rubber mats and it is almost instant relief to stand on one during the day. The problem is that I'm constantly moving around a 1000 sq feet area. I guess I'll have to buy enough mats to floor the whole area.



I had to have surgery last year to repair to damage to my feet...........caused from working over 30 years on concrete floors.
I now wear Z-Coil shoes. (
I wish I had known about these things years ago!! It doesn't matter if you are standing in one place all day or moving around.


Senior Member
I wish I knew a solution....My feet give me problems on a daily basis...