Disc first or rake first

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
I have a small plot I’m going to plant in partridge peas. The plot has never been planted and it has low growing weeds and grass on it. Should I disc it thoroughly and then rake it or vice versa?


Baroque Brass

Senior Member
I would spray it with glyphosate first.
Good suggestion, then how long before I seed it? I was thinking of seeding around the first of May.


Staff member
I usually wait a couple of weeks after spraying before I plant.

What he said. ^ A couple of weeks and you should be good to go.

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
So spray it, give a couple weeks and then which implement first, rake or harrows?
I would dics now add some Peletized lime to that plot. Wait for it to green up in spring then spray and kill it . then wait and plant it about the middle to end of may.


Senior Member
I like to mow before discing to break up the long weed stalks. Otherwise I usually disc, broadcast, cover.
I’ve seen little benefit to spray on plots that are tilled every year.

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
Spray, mow, burn, spread fertilizer, disk then plant

Lime now if soil test indicates.
I plan to soil test,we have lots of oaks which raise pH. Will likely need sulfur instead of lime.


Senior Member
Good point I forgot...wait until green up then spray. You won't get good results spraying while it's dormant. And like others said mow then harrow.