Drivelers #273 Drivelin Days Like This

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blood on the ground

Cross threading is better than two lock washers.
Good morning , been reading back, but confess wife let me sleep way 2 late
Thanks for the coffee G:fine:
Bryn Leigh is 2 y.o. today
Blood Family must have slept great last nite with their Devil Dawg in his old rack :cheers:
Bet you didn't know he could drink like that:biggrin2:
Thank you for your service Marine:flag:
I bailed at 11 .. Had a fire Outside and all his feetball buddies here!


Staff member

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
A little sammich break.


Staff member
Corn beef and cabbage smell through the house.
Should be ready in a couple hours.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Got the little pond drain unstopped. It was somethin dead that got sucked in, or it died after it got sucked in. Either way it was waterlogged rotten meat and fat as far as I could tell. Anyway, flung it out into the pond and it went to the bottom for the turtles and fish.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Corn beef and cabbage smell through the house.
Should be ready in a couple hours.

Good stuff, been a long time since we've had that.


Staff member
Little acknowledgement for St Patrick day.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
I used a 1/4" threaded rod about 30" long and bent it into a J hook on one end to reach down into the pipe to pull out whatever was stuck in it, worked great.

Problem is, I layed it on the bush hog and went to mowing. when I stopped for my break it dawned on me what I had done and it wasn't there. I doubt I'll find it unless the bush hog blades do. facepalm:

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Might go walk the area I went to after coming up the hill when I left the pond area right away.


Staff member
Oh that would not be fun to find the hard way later.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Oh that would not be fun to find the hard way later.

10-4 Ruger, and I got a feeling it's going to be hard to find looking for it also.

Fixin to head back out and see if I get lucky.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
Corn beef and cabbage smell through the house.
Should be ready in a couple hours.
Same here. We were GON have cabbage, but the boy comes over on Sunday nights and he aint to fond of cabbage that I know of. The boy will eat near bouts anything. We doing Rubens. :fine:


Staff member


Staff member
Same here. We were GON have cabbage, but the boy comes over on Sunday nights and he aint to fond of cabbage that I know of. The boy will eat near bouts anything. We doing Rubens. :fine:

I guess being Scots-Irish back to the boat I should hold to tradition.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Bush hog will find it eventually or a tractor tire

Yep, rear tire is what concerns me the most.

I see a “guess what happened” moment in a future driveler.

I just walked over half of the small pasture that I first went to after driving away from pond, no threaded rod visible.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Reckon I’ll go walk the other half.


Staff member
Any chance it’s in the water where you pulled out?


Keeper of the Magic Word
If it smells bad watch the dogs to see if they roll on it.
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