Drivelers craving the backwoods #285

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Staff member
Drivelers always craving them backwoods.



Staff member
Good morning crew drive by to get the day started.
Headed south, talk later, have a great day!


Keeper of the Magic Word
morning /ruger



Cap`n Jack 1313
Morn'n Folks.


King Casanova
Good Morning and Happy Monday to you Ruger, Gobblin, Batjack and to the rest of the Driveler Nation.

Thank You to all for the Prayers and your concern for me and my sister who is my closest family relative. Throughout my lifetime, she has always been more like a loving Mother to me. Unfortunately, it looks like that she won't be with us for too much longer. I'll try to be more specific in the coming days of this situation.

Batjack, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you even though it is several days late.


Keeper of the Magic Word
hi bat

EE still thinking of you. Let me know if you need anything--you independent cuss.


Keeper of the Magic Word

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Mornin’ gentlemen!

Smells woodsy up in here. Good one Ruger.

Continued prayers, EE.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Gobblein, Bat, Cmp, EE, red, and bh, Mornin.

Jeff C.

Chief Grass Master
Nice title and fits my lifestyle. Backwoods, swamps, and wild places are a nearly daily requirement in my life. I couldn`t live elsewhere.

I’m not really backwoods here Nic, but I still have tha country/slightly rural atmosphere here to some degree.

I’m here to maintain it in honor of those before me.

Sinclair would twitch if he knew I hung a #3 washtub out on the side of my old tin garage/shop detached in the front yard off the driveway yesterday. :bounce:

Now I’m fixin to go bush hog the little bit of grown up pasture/weeds I maintain as an old weedy pasture.

Neighbors that bought my house started mowing some of it out past their property line like a yard with their big zero turn mower. They said, “that sure would look good all mowed like our lawns”.

I told them if you want to mow almost 3 acres with your mower plus your 2 acre lot, go ahead, I ain’t.

Heck, I’m thinking about re-fencing my 9 acres and gettin a few head of cows. Mooooooo!


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Goin get on the tractor and bush hog now, holler later.

Yep. I`ve been setting outside with a cup of coffee, listening to 4 or 5 rooster Bobs whistle. Got to get with it though, dog fennels done grown up in the chicken pen and I got to clean em out.
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