Dying Infidels and Wicked Men


Senior Member
Sir Francis Newport was trained in early life to understand the great truths of the Gospel, and while in early manhood it was hoped that he would become an ornament and a blessing to his family and the nation, the result was far otherwise. He fell into company that corrupted his principles and morals. He became an avowed infidel, and a life of dissipation brought on a disease that was incurable. When he felt he must die . . . he exclaimed as follows: "Whence this war in my heart? What argument is there now to assist me against matters of fact? Do I assert that there is no He11, when I feel one in my bosom? Am I certain that there is no after retribution when I feel present judgment? . . . Wretch that I am, whither shall I flee from this breast?

An infidel companion tried to dispel his thoughts, to whom he replied, "That there is a God I know, because I continually feel the effects of His wrath; that there is a He11 I am equally certain, having received an earnest of my inheritance there already in my breast; there is a natural conscience I now feel with horror and amazement, being continually upbraided by it with my impieties, and all my iniquities, and all my sins brought to my remembrance . . . O that I was to lie upon the first that never is quenched a thousand years, to purchase the favour of God, and be reunited to Him again! But it is a fruitless wish. Millions of millions of years will bring me no nearer to the end of my torments than one poor hour. O eternity, eternity! Who can discover the abyss of eternity? Who can paraphrase upon these words-forever and ever?

As his mental distress and bodily disease were hurrying him into eternity he was asked if he would have prayers offered in his behalf? He turned his face and exclaimed, "Tigers and monsters! are ye also become devils to torment me? Would you give me prospect of Heaven to make my He11 more intolerable?"
Soon after, his voice was failing, and uttering a groan of inexpressible horror, he cried out, " Oh, the insufferable pangs of He11!" and died at once, dropping into the very woe of which God gave him such an earnest, to be a constant warning to multitudes of careless sinners.


Senior Member
Sir Francis Newport was trained in early life to understand the great truths of the Gospel, and while in early manhood it was hoped that he would become an ornament and a blessing to his family and the nation, the result was far otherwise. He fell into company that corrupted his principles and morals. He became an avowed infidel, and a life of dissipation brought on a disease that was incurable. When he felt he must die . . . he exclaimed as follows: "Whence this war in my heart? What argument is there now to assist me against matters of fact? Do I assert that there is no He11, when I feel one in my bosom? Am I certain that there is no after retribution when I feel present judgment? . . . Wretch that I am, whither shall I flee from this breast?

An infidel companion tried to dispel his thoughts, to whom he replied, "That there is a God I know, because I continually feel the effects of His wrath; that there is a He11 I am equally certain, having received an earnest of my inheritance there already in my breast; there is a natural conscience I now feel with horror and amazement, being continually upbraided by it with my impieties, and all my iniquities, and all my sins brought to my remembrance . . . O that I was to lie upon the first that never is quenched a thousand years, to purchase the favour of God, and be reunited to Him again! But it is a fruitless wish. Millions of millions of years will bring me no nearer to the end of my torments than one poor hour. O eternity, eternity! Who can discover the abyss of eternity? Who can paraphrase upon these words-forever and ever?

As his mental distress and bodily disease were hurrying him into eternity he was asked if he would have prayers offered in his behalf? He turned his face and exclaimed, "Tigers and monsters! are ye also become devils to torment me? Would you give me prospect of Heaven to make my He11 more intolerable?"
Soon after, his voice was failing, and uttering a groan of inexpressible horror, he cried out, " Oh, the insufferable pangs of He11!" and died at once, dropping into the very woe of which God gave him such an earnest, to be a constant warning to multitudes of careless sinners.
Interesting bit of history I suppose. That said, everybody is entitled to their own opinion, even on their deathbed. Also, people are free to change their minds about their beliefs, even on their deathbed. But I am also aware that very often people suffer delirium as their brains are shutting down, and they not in in charge of their normal mental functioning. Bottom line, expressing a personal belief is just that - expressing a personal belief. :huh:


Senior Member
The infidel Voltaire feeling the stroke that he realized must terminate in death, was overpowered with remorse. He at once sent for the priest and wanted to be reconciled with the church. His infidel flatterers hastened to his chamber to prevent his recantation, but it was only to witness his ignominy and their own. He cursed them to their faces, and, as his distress was increased by their presence, he repeatedly and loudly exclaimed, "Begone! It is you who have brought me to my present condition. Leave me, I say, begone!"
Hoping to allay his anguish by a written recantation, he had it prepared, signed it and saw it witnessed, but it was all unavailing. For two months he was tortured with such an agony as led him at times to gnash his teeth in impotent rage against God and man. At other times in plaintive accents, he would plead, "O Christ O Lord Jesus!" Then turn his face and cry out, I must die-abandoned of God and of men.
As his end drew near, his condition became so frightful that his infidel associates were afraid to approach his bedside. Still, they guarded the door, that others might not know how awfully an infidel was compelled to die. Even his nurse repeatedly said, "For all the wealth in Europe I would never see another infidel die. It was a scene of horror that lies beyond all exaggeration."


Senior Member
Oh great, your endless copy/paste has migrated down to here.
Got anything you would care to actually discuss/debate?
You know how you can tell when the devil gets mad or you make him mad, guess I shouldn’t ask that cause you already know. If there was a discussing or debate God would be victorious every time and the devil the looser Praise God ! ! !
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Senior Member
You know how you can tell when the devil gets mad or you make him mad, guess I shouldn’t ask that cause you already know. If there was a discussing or debate God would be victorious every time and the devil the looser Praise God ! ! !
Which god would be victorious in a debate? :sneaky: There are many religions worshipping many gods, but I don't know which god has debating savvy & experience. That said Walt might know how you can tell when the devil gets mad, but I have no idea. Granted I'm asking a hypothetical question because I don't believe in the supernatural, so a nonexistent "devil" getting mad doesn't make sense to me. :confused:


Of the hard cast variety
You know how you can tell when the devil gets mad or you make him mad, guess I shouldn’t ask that cause you already know. If there was a discussing or debate God would be victorious every time and the devil the looser Praise God ! ! !
Who will represent your God in a discussion?


Senior Member
Which god would be victorious in a debate? :sneaky: There are many religions worshipping many gods, but I don't know which god has debating savvy & experience. That said Walt might know how you can tell when the devil gets mad, but I have no idea. Granted I'm asking a hypothetical question because I don't believe in the supernatural, so a nonexistent "devil" getting mad doesn't make sense to me. :confused:
You will meet him after death.


Senior Member
You know how you can tell when the devil gets mad or you make him mad, guess I shouldn’t ask that cause you already know. If there was a discussing or debate God would be victorious every time and the devil the looser Praise God ! ! !


Senior Member
Which god would be victorious in a debate? :sneaky: There are many religions worshipping many gods, but I don't know which god has debating savvy & experience. That said Walt might know how you can tell when the devil gets mad, but I have no idea. Granted I'm asking a hypothetical question because I don't believe in the supernatural, so a nonexistent "devil" getting mad doesn't make sense to me. :confused:
That said Walt might know how you can tell when the devil gets mad,
I can tell when he gets mad at our Friday night poker games when you lay down 3 of a kind against his 2 pairs because he yells out "Jesus Christ!!" and throws his Bud Light against the wall.


Senior Member
Who will represent your God in a discussion?
If it's any apologist currently active these days, I'd be willing to bet each & every debate will end in "weeping & gnashing of teeth" from the apologist's corner.


Resident Homesteader
It’s interesting how much hatred some Christians hide within hearts. Keep on giving Christians a black eye.

Defending your faith is one thing but to go looking for a fight so you can defend it…….with “my daddy is bigger than your daddy”

Hanging your hat on the Bible??? “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness” isn’t Walt you’re the devil.

Coming soon - the self righteous pot calling the kettle black crowd.

Call it judging if you want - some of you need to go back to primary Sunday school class and start over. A leopard doesn’t lose its spots and a pig with lipstick on it is still a pig.


Senior Member
Tom Paine was born at Thedford, England, in 1737. He is widely known by his connection with the American and French revolutions and by his infidel writings.
During the sessions of the French convention, Paine composed his infidel work, "Age of reason" by which his name gained an unenviable notoriety, and after the alteration of political circumstances in France he returned to America and there dragged out a miserable existence, indebted in his last illness for acts of charity to disciples of the very religion that he had opposed.

Bishop Fenwick says: "A short time before Paine died I was sent for by him. A decent elderly looking woman showed us to the parlor. 'Gentlemen,' said the lady, ' I really wish you may succeed with Mr. Paine, for he is laboring under great distress of mind, ever since he was told by his physician that he cannot possibly live and must die shortly. He is truly to be pitied. He cries, when left alone, are heart-rending.
"O Lord, help me!" he will exclaim during his paroxysms of distress; "God help me! Jesus Christ, help me!" repeatedly these expressions in a tone of voice that would alarm the house. Sometimes he will say, "O God! What have I done to suffer so much?" Then shortly after, "but there is no God"; and then again, "Yet, if there be, what would become of me hereafter?" Thus he will continue for some time, when on a sudden he will scream as if terror and agony, and call for me by my name.
On one occasion I required what he wanted. "Stay with me" he replied, "for God's sake! for I cannot bare to be alone." Then said he, when I told him I could not always be in the room, 'Send even a child to stay with me, for it is he11 to be left alone." I never saw a more unhappy, a more forsaken man."
Among the last utterances that fell upon the ears of the attendants of this dying infidel, and which have been record in history, were the words, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"


Senior Member
Tom Paine was born at Thedford, England, in 1737. He is widely known by his connection with the American and French revolutions and by his infidel writings.
During the sessions of the French convention, Paine composed his infidel work, "Age of reason" by which his name gained an unenviable notoriety, and after the alteration of political circumstances in France he returned to America and there dragged out a miserable existence, indebted in his last illness for acts of charity to disciples of the very religion that he had opposed.

Bishop Fenwick says: "A short time before Paine died I was sent for by him. A decent elderly looking woman showed us to the parlor. 'Gentlemen,' said the lady, ' I really wish you may succeed with Mr. Paine, for he is laboring under great distress of mind, ever since he was told by his physician that he cannot possibly live and must die shortly. He is truly to be pitied. He cries, when left alone, are heart-rending.
"O Lord, help me!" he will exclaim during his paroxysms of distress; "God help me! Jesus Christ, help me!" repeatedly these expressions in a tone of voice that would alarm the house. Sometimes he will say, "O God! What have I done to suffer so much?" Then shortly after, "but there is no God"; and then again, "Yet, if there be, what would become of me hereafter?" Thus he will continue for some time, when on a sudden he will scream as if terror and agony, and call for me by my name.
On one occasion I required what he wanted. "Stay with me" he replied, "for God's sake! for I cannot bare to be alone." Then said he, when I told him I could not always be in the room, 'Send even a child to stay with me, for it is he11 to be left alone." I never saw a more unhappy, a more forsaken man."
Among the last utterances that fell upon the ears of the attendants of this dying infidel, and which have been record in history, were the words, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
Tom Paine was born in Thedford England? :confused: I don't think there is a place called Thedford in England. There is a Thetford England in Norfolk - I was stationed at RAF Lakenheath only a few miles from Thetford. Thetford Forest was adjacent to Lakenheath and once an F-111 crashed upon takeoff and started a big forest fire there.