Evil Chipmunks... ok to kill?


Senior Member
I have a bird feeder right next to my garden. All are invited to eat from it. The chipmunks even climb the fence and eat out of it. Or hang out on the ground underneath when the birds or squirrels eat out of it and get the seeds that fall. Plus we have a neighborhood full of cats. Haven't had any problems with them eating my garden.


Senior Member
Realizing it’s been over 10 years since this was posted AND!!!!! The OP has not signed in since august 2010.

Shoot the little buggers. Do it quietly. Make Bill Clinton proud. Don’t ask! Don’t tell!

A decade late, carry on.


Senior Member
I have a high powered pellet rifle and a match bolt action 22. I also have a small HAH trap. No chipmunk at this time and only one tree rat. Don't know where they went


Slow Mod
Staff member
That guy isn't showing you the hammer he has in his other hand. LOL


Chief Big Taw
I have barred owls, great horned owls, sharp shinned, coopers, and red shoulder hawks that rotate on my property. AND a mated pair of Mink. Rarely do I see a chipmunk. When I see one they're always getting some yonder.

I've seen the Mink run up inside the 4in corrugated drain pipe from the gutters and I've heard squealing inside. They're nasty killers

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
People back home in the hills used to use a couple ferrets to catch/ kill rabbits. Their just as bloodthirsty as a weasels. Put them down a hole and put a gunny sack over the hole.


Senior Member
It's not legal to shoot chipmunks. It is however perfectly legal to put out rat traps for rats and you can't help it if a chipmunk gets caught in one.