Found some fishes


Senior Member
My Bro In Law took me, my Mom, and his 3 kids to Savannah to do a little marshing in his bass boat. We found some edibles. Resized_Resized_20240614_205445001.jpeg

That was the first night. I had never caught a flounder in GA. That was my favorite of the flavors. We also caught and ate a dozen blue crabs that we trapped or pulled in with rod and reel. Sorry for the blurry pic. My hands were shaking with haste, cause my Mom already started digging in.



From the second day, we brought home a red, some trout, and a giant whiting. I kept the Red and cooked it en papillote, stuffed with some aromatics. My wife doesn't like fish and my daughter is out of town. I'm not ashamed to say that I ate it all by myself.


...just joking, seriously.
You missed a little while on that last one.
Wait my bad...