Hey DNR! - What the People Have Said About Banning Live Bait in the Hooch

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Senior Member
There is no law against using trout, crappie, bass or any other game fish for live bait. There is also no law against catching a trout and taking it to another part of the same river to use as bait. Fish Monger and his friends will tell you otherwise because they don't like the rules. They have a campaign of incorrect information designed to get you to do what they want you to do because they think we are fools. This is why I started the petition earlier this year, to protect the interests of us Georgia live bait fisherman.

Fish Monger and his friends also have a few new buddies in the DNR they got to make some changes they thought were under the radar but luckily I had copies of everything. I trust our marine biologists too, I trust the ones who made the rules regarding that stretch of the river a long time ago more than I trust the ones who have tried to make changes since then with no new data other than my videos.

I know a bunch of people down there using live bait to catch stripers all year long and I haven't heard of anyone getting a ticket. And, they are going to continue using live bait. Good luck trying to stop them.

You should be careful reading comments from people who don’t want their identity known on this forum. There is a reason they don’t want anyone to know who they are. Because they spread lies!


Senior Member
I say if you don't like the rules then go fish some other waters. Why keep this up when there are plenty of fish to be caught in other rivers and lakes. I'm all for rules to protect the fisheries and don't care which fishery they want to put rules on as long as I can fish. This debate reminds me of kids wanting candy and can't have it so they whine.


Senior Member
I agree. Tell Fish Monger and his friends to go find another spot and leave Morgan Falls the way it's been for decades! This is my backyard. I live 3 minutes from that area and I'm going to protect it for myself and my fellow live bait fisherman. :rofl: And so the fun begins!:rofl:

I say if you don't like the rules then go fish some other waters. Why keep this up when there are plenty of fish to be caught in other rivers and lakes. I'm all for rules to protect the fisheries and don't care which fishery they want to put rules on as long as I can fish. This debate reminds me of kids wanting candy and can't have it so they whine.


Senior Member
There is no law against using trout, crappie, bass or any other game fish for live bait. There is also no law against catching a trout and taking it to another part of the same river to use as bait. Fish Monger and his friends will tell you otherwise because they don't like the rules. They have a campaign of incorrect information designed to get you to do what they want you to do because they think we are fools. This is why I started the petition earlier this year, to protect the interests of us Georgia live bait fisherman.

Fish Monger and his friends also have a few new buddies in the DNR they got to make some changes they thought were under the radar but luckily I had copies of everything. I trust our marine biologists too, I trust the ones who made the rules regarding that stretch of the river a long time ago more than I trust the ones who have tried to make changes since then with no new data other than my videos.

I know a bunch of people down there using live bait to catch stripers all year long and I haven't heard of anyone getting a ticket. And, they are going to continue using live bait. Good luck trying to stop them.

You should be careful reading comments from people who don’t want their identity known on this forum. There is a reason they don’t want anyone to know who they are. Because they spread lies!

You are a fool Judah. :crazy: I have a fishing related business, and I WANT people to know who I am. I have integrity, and I hate cheaters. You promote cheating and breaking the law, you revel in it, therefore you have zero integrity. I merely want people to follow the law as it exists, so that I may compete with them on an equal basis. If the law is changed, then I am fine with that, I have never said otherwise. Would I rather it stayed the same? You bet.

I welcome a challenge, and so I choose to fish for stripers with a fly rod. If you, or anyone else, is not up to that challenge, that is fine with me, to each his own.

Now I offer you another challenge, to put your words to the test. I challenge you to site ONE lie I have told, ever, with proof. If you cannot, then stow your venom, it really poisons this forum.

Put up or shut up.



Senior Member
Wow this is getting heated, easy fellas watch the ol' blood pressure. I really didn't want to start a fight between anyone, just wanted some facts on the issue.

Dustin Pate

Staff member
Wow this is getting heated, easy fellas watch the ol' blood pressure. I really didn't want to start a fight between anyone, just wanted some facts on the issue.

This is a good idea folks. If you can't have a civil conversation and follow the rules of the site please go elsewhere.


Senior Member
This fight has been going on all year, You just walked into the middle of it. Welcome and thank you for signing the petition. Myself and 301 other people thank you.
Wow this is getting heated, easy fellas watch the ol' blood pressure. I really didn't want to start a fight between anyone, just wanted some facts on the issue.


Senior Member
So you do have a fishing related business! Well, that makes allot of sense! It doesn't just so happen to be profiting off of fly fishing does it? Something tells me you don't sell live bait at that business :rofl:

Myself, I own three business that have absolutely nothing to do with fishing. In fact I work on the exterior of high-rise buildings. I have people approach me all the time wanting me to take them fishing for a fee and I turn them down. But I do tell them how to do it! :yeah:

I am a fool, a fool for live bait fishin on the hooch!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

You are a fool Judah. :crazy: I have a fishing related business, and I WANT people to know who I am. I have integrity, and I hate cheaters. You promote cheating and breaking the law, you revel in it, therefore you have zero integrity. I merely want people to follow the law as it exists, so that I may compete with them on an equal basis. If the law is changed, then I am fine with that, I have never said otherwise. Would I rather it stayed the same? You bet.

I welcome a challenge, and so I choose to fish for stripers with a fly rod. If you, or anyone else, is not up to that challenge, that is fine with me, to each his own.

Now I offer you another challenge, to put your words to the test. I challenge you to site ONE lie I have told, ever, with proof. If you cannot, then stow your venom, it really poisons this forum.

Put up or shut up.



All I take from this whole discussion is that Video Man is not a nice guy. I am sure the DNR feels the same


Senior Member
Being a nice guy gets you no where in situations like this. I am sacrificing my "fishing reputation"for my fellow live bait fisherman.

Just wait until I get my lawyer involved. It will really get interesting then. :shoot:

All I take from this whole discussion is that Video Man is not a nice guy. I am sure the DNR feels the same

Cy Grajcar

Senior Member
There are a few licensed guides and other GON posters that continue to use live bait now---even though it is illegal in this stretch of river.

Hate to even get on a thread like this guys but I did want to make it clear. I got 2 calls asking me if I would guide them in these waters in the past day or so even though it was illegal. I DO NOT guide in this area. Most of the time I am not even on this river. lol I have worked very hard to build my business and DO NOT break the law! My boat has NEVER been launched in this area. Why would I, I am catching GREAT Stripers in the other rivers. :banana:


Being a nice guy gets you no where in situations like this. I am sacrificing my "fishing reputation"for my fellow live bait fisherman.

Just wait until I get my lawyer involved. It will really get interesting then. :shoot:

Thankfully I've never had to use the phrase "my lawyer" regarding fishing. (or ever)

What's the machine gun emoticon for?

Cy Grajcar

Senior Member
Call to dnr

In hope of stopping the "he said she said" and fighting about it I called the DNR a little bit ago. There has been NO decision on what to do yet. The law that was passed allowing them to make a change doesnt take affect untill January. There should be a public meeting at the earliest in the fall to discuss this. On a side note I suggested they bring some mouth guards, head gear and gloves to the meeting. :rofl:


Senior Member
Live Bait

I wonder how the DNR would look at people with live shad
in a tank but only using cut bait? we know fresh cut bait
is best, Even if you had no lines without weight on them I guess enforcement would be tough.
one would think with over 300 signed petitons for the use of live bait
in this river. There really isnt much to talk about at the Fly Shop these days other than when can we start selling shad and trout.

The guys selling shad have had a - I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH - of a summer. From the etowah to the coosa and other rivers in the area the shad have been the ticket to catching a lot of stripers.

I have seen live bluebacks on the hooch being used by a member on this forum. Just cant wait for them to take his boat car and trailer. Be carefull with using Blue Backs on rivers that do not allow it. THE DNR AND NPS rangers are looking for you..
The guys selling shad have had a great season selling shad this summer. From the etowah to the coosa and other rivers in the area the shad have been the ticket to catching a lot of stripers.
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