I float manana


Cap`n Jack 1313
Finally got 1 to open up somewhat. I've never been great but was passable years ago..Been watching videos and they all say hold everything in my right hand since I'm right handed. Felt unnatural. Switched hands like I used to do. Not perfect but better. View attachment 1306365View attachment 1306364
Bet I'm worse.... ain't even tried to toss one since 1988... and wasn't good at it then.

slow motion

Senior Member
Bet I'm worse.... ain't even tried to toss one since 1988... and wasn't good at it then.
One day when we finally meet up I'll bring it and we can compete for the worst of the worst.

slow motion

Senior Member
Well I had some stuff to get rid of yesterday. Went to the recycling center. Made $9.60.20240520_170111.jpg What will you do with your new found riches you ask? Well now that I'm financially stable I invested in some beer and such. Gassed up the truck. I'm a thrifty shopper. 20240520_182047.jpgAbout to head South across state lines with beer. We've all seen Smokie and the Bandit. I dont get to be the Bandit for a couple reasons. Now since I'm driving the truck with the beer I have to be the Snowman. Also and the main reason I don't have the looks to be Bandit. Honestly I look more like Fred but I digress.

slow motion

Senior Member
"South bound and down
Loaded up and truckin"

Breaker 19 This is the Snowman. Looking for the Bandit. You got your ears on? We gorra make some time before this beer gets warm.10-4


Staff member
Just hearing about chunking nets makes my shoulder hurt. Back in my younger days we fished the king tournaments and all we fished with was live bait. LY and Poggies. Had to learn to chunk a 12' net, because we wanted to hit it once and head offshore. I got pretty good with it. Then later took the kids to Sapelo Sound and we netted shrimp. I cheated and taped my net so it would stay open when we sometimes were out in 20' plus water. I bought a 8' last year. Pulled it out of the box and I looked like I worked for the bananna boat folks. Finally put some swing and hip movement and got it to open, but after about 4 throws, my old torn rotator cuff shoulder was telling me NO MO OLD MAN. The mullet are running and I almost took out my net and chunked on them this weekend, but I came to my senses.

slow motion

Senior Member
Breaker 19 for the Bandit. Gotta take a 10-100. Frog said that was better than a 10-200. Stopped at the choke and puke. Gonna suck up some go go juice and put some groceries down my neck.10-4Screenshot_20240521-081155_Chrome.jpg

slow motion

Senior Member
Breaker 19 for the Bandit. Bears are wall to wall. You better clear me a path. Don't know how much longer this beer will stay cold.

slow motion

Senior Member
Decent bite but having a hard time keeping em on the hook. Lost a couple mid slot at the boat. Too slow with the net. Several I can see are trout and they pop loose. Circles ain't working today. So far in the boat a few shorts, trout and bsb. Still beats work.

slow motion

Senior Member
Brought a pack of ground venison that I took out of freezer and put in cooler this morning. Put in fridge when i got here. Planned to make a couple burgers tonight. Still frozen solid. Gas station pizza instead.20240521_201606.jpg