I float manana


...just joking, seriously.
It's been a good week. And I am missing home.
Pulled the boat out of the water today and I'll clean it up tomorrow. If I didn't think everybody on the panhandle was going to be on I-75 northbound tomorrow, I would head on home.
But I think I'll wait till tuesday!

Ah'm tarred...


Being on that boat where we fished a couple days was like doing eight hours worth of jumping jacks and callistinics at a time

slow motion

Senior Member
It's been a good week. And I am missing home.
Pulled the boat out of the water today and I'll clean it up tomorrow. If I didn't think everybody on the panhandle was going to be on I-75 northbound tomorrow, I would head on home.
But I think I'll wait till tuesday!

Ah'm tarred...

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Being on that boat where we fished a couple days was like doing eight hours worth of jumping jacks and callistinics at a time
Its like doing battle with nature some days. Safe travels brother. I'm gonna try again in the morning I think. Course that could change.Had a few days off. Got grass cut and a few chores done. Rested some.

slow motion

Senior Member
Tip for today. Retie your hooks periodically. Cause the big ones get fiesty when the net hits the water.

slow motion

Senior Member
Empty cooler. Assortment of flats regulars. Caught several trout. Net man cost me a few keepers Guess that stern talking to about past performance went unheeded. Not sure if that storm is gonna ramp up or not but dark skies and wind is picking up good time to call it. Maybe Cooter Stew is open today. Might go pick up the girlfriend. Later peeps.

slow motion

Senior Member
Clouds were gone by the time I got in but that leatherback burger is calling. Most people I talked to at ramp said caught a limit in just a few hours. Not me. :bounce:


Staff member
I got to head up through Lanter next weekend. facepalm:

I didn't get to my place until Sunday morning and man it was kite flying weather. The only people who seemed to be having fun were those in sailboats. I nearly wore my back porch rocker out watching the water. Only reason I went was to finally have my tandem axle utility trailer freed up from materials duty. Got up early Monday, ate breakfast at the gas station breakfast, got my wife a breakfast to go and hit the house to do a few chores. Got ready to leave about 9:15AM and my woman started in on me about her stuff. I loaded her up and left without the trailer. Got nearly to Panacea before I remembered it. Turned around and 20 miles later, trailer hooked up and headed home.

Stopped at Rocky's for her bathroom break and man was the traffic building. She wanted a ham samich and nothing else would do, so off to Crawfordville Publix we went. Then crawled into Tallahassee until the traffic finally broke on Capital Circle.

Got home, unhooked the trailers and got in my easy chair and checked the back of my eyelids. They need more checking!!!

Remembered the Winn Dixie up da road had special on Tbones and crab legs, so a quick trip there. Too tired to cook, so got some of God's chicken and hit the house.