I have been wanting some Trout


Senior Member
There are a group of us that get together each year at Rock Creek, to meet up and catch up, while fishing for trout.. Times have been a blur of Challenges now, My Bride of almost 50years is now due to Dementia and advanced alzhimers is in a Personal Care Home as my health, for the last few years has been less than stellar.. I am now post op 5 weeks from having a total hip replacement and still waiting on the back surgery..I went up yesterday to visit with my friends at Rock Creek, can't fish yet so they made sure I went home with a few trout...I love those friends!! Well another brother brought me fresh veggies out of his garden and I commenced to cooking today..Well Boy Howdy was it good and now I am going to take a nap..
And finally....

Dr. Strangelove

Senior Member
Fantastic meal! Sorry to hear about your wife.

slow motion

Senior Member
Nice meal. I'll pray for you and your family. Stay strong.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Praying for your situation. The meal looks great!!


Senior Member
Great food and great friends, prayers for your wife and for you.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
Good to have good faithful friends. My Mama said that friends are a very important part of your life. Prayers for you and you're wife.


Staff member
Sorry to hear about your troubles, but that's a fine looking plate, and sounds like you have some good friends!


Senior Member
Good to have good faithful friends. My Mama said that friends are a very important part of your life. Prayers for you and you're wife.
Your Mama is correct, as I value your family's friendship..To bad were so far away...If y'all come up my way in the mountains, you have a place to stay...