I love chicken and homosexuals

Pale Rider

Catchy title, don't you think? In all seriousness, I have been a longtime lover of fried chicken since I was a kid with brand new teeth. Truett Cathy came to ABAC to speak to the BSU and I had the opportunity to meet him in person and when the meet and greet was over he asked to come see our dorm room. My roommate had spoken to Truett and shared with him that he was an orphan and lived with his aunt and uncle. He worked for 2 quarters then went to school for two quarters. Truett was moved and offered to pay his tuition, no strings attached. However, he wanted to inspect our dorm room. I suspect that he was looking for evidence of a less than moral lifestyle. Lucky for us we were out of beer and had just cleaned the room. Because of his generosity, I have always been a big fan of Truett Cathy and his business and I have always respected how he sticks to his beliefs.

In my long life of 42 years, I have made quite a few friends, some I would consider dear friends. One of these friends has been with his partner for almost 25 years. Longer than I have been with my wife. They truly love one another and have been very good to me and my family. They are what you would call "spiritual" people. They believe in God, pray to Jesus and live a very moral life. They don't feel comfortable going to church because they feel that they would be the center of attention, which, to be honest, they probably would. And some "saved" soul would probably go out of their way to further their fears. These two fellows really have not given much thought to getting married in a traditional sense and they have informed me that for about $1000 and with the help of a good attorney, they pretty much share the same rights as most married couples.

I have witnessed these two men give enormous amounts of money to those in need, volunteer their time to help the needy and if anyone in our circle of friends ever needs anything, they are usually the first couple we call. They are our go-to babysitters and are wonderful with our kids. Neither drink or smoke or do drugs and they have a wonderful home full of love. I would defend these two to my last breath if anyone ever attempted to dishonor them. They are two of the best people I know.

So, tonight, my wife and I are going over there to swim and she called them to see what we needed to bring to the cookout. She called and Jim answered the phone. When my wife asked what we needed to bring he said, "Just stop by Chick-fil-A and grab some sandwiches. We are working in the yard and will be too tired to cook. We just want to relax in the pool."

I guess they are too busy working in the yard to hate Dan Cathy. Maybe some of my Christian brothers and sisters can find something else to do than to hate them.


Senior Member
I've got friends and co-workers...well...maybe I should say coworkers that are friends...that are gay as well. And they are just as nice and moral as many other straight friends/coworkers I know.

That being said, I don't believe you can be a follower of Jesus Christ and live a life of homosexuality.

Can I (and Dan Cathy for that matter) have our belief's that homosexuality is wrong and not be labeled as "hateful?"

Pale Rider

I can absolutely believe that you can not like homosexuality and not be labeled hateful. But I disagree that you cannot be a follower of Christ and a homosexual.

Can you fudge on your taxes and be a follower of Christ? Can you laugh at a dirty joke and be a follower of Christ? Can you commit a legion of sins and be a follower of Christ? Lots of people have sins that they cannot shake and still be followers of Christ. However, Jesus commanded us to love. In fact He said it is the Greatest Commandment. I'll mind what he said and let him sort the sinners. I'm sure I'll get sorted into my own area.

centerpin fan

Senior Member
Can you commit a legion of sins and be a follower of Christ? Lots of people have sins that they cannot shake and still be followers of Christ.

... but they don't see homosexuality as sin.

However, Jesus commanded us to love.

Jesus commanded us to repent:

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. -- Matthew 4:17


I Gots Goats
I can absolutely believe that you can not like homosexuality and not be labeled hateful. But I disagree that you cannot be a follower of Christ and a homosexual.

Can you fudge on your taxes and be a follower of Christ? Can you laugh at a dirty joke and be a follower of Christ? Can you commit a legion of sins and be a follower of Christ? Lots of people have sins that they cannot shake and still be followers of Christ. However, Jesus commanded us to love. In fact He said it is the Greatest Commandment. I'll mind what he said and let him sort the sinners. I'm sure I'll get sorted into my own area.

PR, I'm with 'ya on your position here. I think the fine line is when we express our "love" that we do not change what we believe to be true. And the two can be accomplished. Many believe they cannot be accomplished simultaneously. I have a very close friend who is gay, and have some wonderful gay neighbors, and coached little league with a lesbian for years. I know all about what you are saying.

If any of them asked me what my position on being gay was, I would say I am straight, and a Christian, and that I am nobody to judge anybody else. If they asked me what the Bible said about it, I would tell them. Same as if they asked me what I thought the Bible said about anything.


Senior Member
... but they don't see homosexuality as sin.

Jesus commanded us to repent:

From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. -- Matthew 4:17

And repent means: to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life.

So to answer your question, you cannot intentionally, knowingly sin and be a follower of Christ.
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grouper throat

Senior Member
I think you might be misunderstanding something. We do not 'hate' them (I dislike using hate anyway as it's such a strong word). I have nothing against gay people and I too have met some very nice people who are gay.
It's the sin of homosexuality that we do not like.


Maybe some of my Christian brothers and sisters can find something else to do than to hate them.

Who said anything about hating them other than the left wingers that are trolling the site?..I refuse to have someone tell me I hate anybody. Doesn't matter who they are or what they believe in. I hate no one. Maybe I hate their beliefs or way of living,but it's not for me to decide. Thats their own decision to make and it doesn't mean that I have too agree with it. But I don't hate them. God will have his judgement on them and on me soon enough,but my life is mine and nobody elses to judge.


Resident Homesteader
Maybe some of my Christian brothers and sisters can find something else to do than to hate them.

Its amazing that all you here is "hate" the homosexual. I didnt see any hate messages or even name calling from any Christians over this. It was a quiet peaceful show of appreciation of support from folks that share the same family values. I didnt even hear the word homosexual mentioned when I went to Chick-fil-A.

I did and still do see the other side calling us bigots, hate breeds ect.


Senior Member
Its amazing that all you here is "hate" the homosexual. I didnt see any hate messages or even name calling from any Christians over this. It was a quiet peaceful show of appreciation of support from folks that share the same family values. I didnt even hear the word homosexual mentioned when I went to Chick-fil-A.

I did and still do see the other side calling us bigots, hate breeds ect.

Yessir. I have nothing to add.


Senior Member
Catchy title, don't you think? In all seriousness, I have been a longtime lover of fried chicken since I was a kid with brand new teeth. Truett Cathy came to ABAC to speak to the BSU and I had the opportunity to meet him in person and when the meet and greet was over he asked to come see our dorm room. My roommate had spoken to Truett and shared with him that he was an orphan and lived with his aunt and uncle. He worked for 2 quarters then went to school for two quarters. Truett was moved and offered to pay his tuition, no strings attached. However, he wanted to inspect our dorm room. I suspect that he was looking for evidence of a less than moral lifestyle. Lucky for us we were out of beer and had just cleaned the room. Because of his generosity, I have always been a big fan of Truett Cathy and his business and I have always respected how he sticks to his beliefs.

In my long life of 42 years, I have made quite a few friends, some I would consider dear friends. One of these friends has been with his partner for almost 25 years. Longer than I have been with my wife. They truly love one another and have been very good to me and my family. They are what you would call "spiritual" people. They believe in God, pray to Jesus and live a very moral life. They don't feel comfortable going to church because they feel that they would be the center of attention, which, to be honest, they probably would. And some "saved" soul would probably go out of their way to further their fears. These two fellows really have not given much thought to getting married in a traditional sense and they have informed me that for about $1000 and with the help of a good attorney, they pretty much share the same rights as most married couples.

I have witnessed these two men give enormous amounts of money to those in need, volunteer their time to help the needy and if anyone in our circle of friends ever needs anything, they are usually the first couple we call. They are our go-to babysitters and are wonderful with our kids. Neither drink or smoke or do drugs and they have a wonderful home full of love. I would defend these two to my last breath if anyone ever attempted to dishonor them. They are two of the best people I know.

So, tonight, my wife and I are going over there to swim and she called them to see what we needed to bring to the cookout. She called and Jim answered the phone. When my wife asked what we needed to bring he said, "Just stop by Chick-fil-A and grab some sandwiches. We are working in the yard and will be too tired to cook. We just want to relax in the pool."

I guess they are too busy working in the yard to hate Dan Cathy. Maybe some of my Christian brothers and sisters can find something else to do than to hate them.

I hear what you are saying and I understand that the two men love each other, that does not make it ok. Homosexuality is wrong, not according to me but according to God.

I do not hate homosexuals, I got to know a young lady at work, in fact we worked closely togather, and we grew very close as time went on. She was an orphan and was raised in the system and was molested at 3 of the homes that she had to misfortune of living in. I truly understand her feelings and I love Rachael dearly, she lives with her partner and they seem to be happy togather.

What is my problem then you are probably asking? My problem is I love Rachael and I don't want to see her "living" in sin. She doesn't just sin 20 or 30 times a day she is living in sin and openly chooses to do so.

I don't hate Homo's any more than I hate drunkards, thieves, liers, etc. I hate the sin not the sinner.

Most of you are right, Rachael's morals are much better than most Christians when it comes to language, family values, honesty, treatment of other people etc.

With all that said, she is still living in sin according to the bible and she admits that the bible speaks against making love to the same sex but she said she couldn't help how she felt.

She is wrong and I pray for her often because I love her so much.


Senior Member
I have a Christian coworker who plays the lottery every day, spends about $30.00. He likes to give me a hard time for drinking stimulants in the morning. He doesn't think the Lottery is wrong and has no plans to quit. Is his salvation in danger equally as the married man who has sex with boys? Does it need to be a abomination? How does blessed assurance apply to a non-repentant homosexual Christian Liberal? What about a non homosexual Christian Liberal. I have a lot of good liberal Christians in my family and a lot of bad Christian conservatives. The conservatives do more of the little sins and the liberals defend the bigger sins.


Senior Member
Sin is sin, but we need to be careful how we are belittling all sin.Sure God forgives all but one sin, but before He can forgive we must repent and ask for forgiveness.If I wake up in the morning and steal my neighbors paper, I have committed a sin that's as nasty as any. If I decide to continue stealing everyday to the point I start to tell myself it's ok, then the blessings from God will leave and the void will be filled with chastisement.
The only way I could fix this and get back in favor with God is to repent and ask forgiveness.
There is no way a non repentant homosexual can be in good standings and receiving blessings from the Lord above while making a mockery of His kingdom....that's not my judgement ..it comes from the book.

centerpin fan

Senior Member
Is it not not totally ironic that we sinners impose conditions precedent on others for reconciliation. "Only if you turn from your sin and walk perfectly, then I will ..."

It's not "we sinners" that came up with the concept of repentance:

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. -- Acts 3:19

And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. -- Luke 13:2-3

And they went out, and preached that men should repent. -- Mark 6:12

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. -- 2 Chronicles 7:14
Humbly, I hear the Pale Rider talking about some fellow believers, not all believers, and not believers generally. And specifically, some who actually have hate in their hearts toward gay folk. I expanded perhaps the size of Pale Rider's net to include Christians who are perceived as haters.

Are we -- and I include myself -- loud and ardent about the bible's clarity in this one regard because we fear? Truth is such whether anyone accepts it. Does it really require a human defense? And do our own motivations undermine that which we seek to vindicate?


I Gots Goats
The only way I could fix this and get back in favor with God is to repent and ask forgiveness.
There is no way a non repentant homosexual can be in good standings and receiving blessings from the Lord above while making a mockery of His kingdom....

Here's where I get stuck on this stuff.....

It seems the gayness is an "Easy target" for Christians because it is clearly against biblical teachings. However, so is fornication.

Many, in fact most, people I know committed the act of "fornicatin'" before they married their spouse.

"Repent" means to turn away from a sin. But, the man who marries the spouse he was "fornicating" with never really "turned away" from anything.....which is to say he would have continued said behavior if the wedding had not occurred.

Did he really repent? I would think you could make a good case that he never "repented," and according to your above comments, would not be in good standing to recieve the blessings.

I guess my point is that we can point our fingers at anybody, but the most important "sin" is the one in our own lives. It seems a better approach to live a life to be proud of, and be an example to others rather than open the door for finger pointing. I have never known a gay person to turn away from that lifestyle because they were told to. And it really bothers me when they are picked on in the name of God.

centerpin fan

Senior Member
With all sincerity and in love, is this then the distinction between the gay movement and other Christians who sin?

The distinction between the gay movement and Christians is that the gay movement is working to have their sin declared "not a sin". They've made a lot of progress in the popular culture. They're trying to do the same thing in the church.

Christians acknowledge their sins and repent.


I Gots Goats
The distinction between the gay movement and Christians is that the gay movement is working to have their sin declared "not a sin". They've made a lot of progress in the popular culture. They're trying to do the same thing in the church.

Christians acknowledge their sins and repent.

Ever heard a preacher say it's not practical to preach against fornication? I have.

I have a good many Christian friends. I would say less than 5% of them made it to their wedding day. Most folks "know" they will be forgiven.

Like I said, gayness is an easy target, and Christians like to gun for it. It comes across to me as mean spirited based on an inability to put things in perspective. Just like a straight man "struggles" with "lust and fornication," a gay man struggles with homosexuality. Who is better?