It works people

Pig Predator

Useles Billy’s Fishel Hog Killer ?
No, he's too old, and out of shape now , he shouldn't be doing these exhibitions, but his pride won't let him quit,
30 years ago he was putting on similar shows. Just look at all the flashes and cameras.


Senior Member
Big difference between martial arts tournament fights and real world street or bar room fighting, those flying back kicks look cool! but serve no purpose in the real world, but a couple of billiards balls wrapped up in a cloth and swung like a club sure will!
Ain't you ever seen Texas Ranger?

Hillbilly stalker

Senior Member
In his day Seagal was a Master at Akido. Akido has been described as the Gentle Art of self defense by many. Designed to prevent injury to both attacker and defender. That’s why you never see it in MMA… won’t cut it in the real world.

Chuck Norris professional record is 65-5. He won most every title possible both Nationally and Internationall. You don’t make it that far by just having good Kata. Back in ‘84 or ‘85, I had the privilege of watching him spar with Sensie Danny Lane…….make no mistake, he’s a pipe hitter. Match their age and both in their prime, Norris would mop the floor with Seagal. I don’t bet but that’s where my money would go.


Senior Member