Memorial day thoughts

John Cooper

?Now I Got One A Them Banner Things
I borrowed this from a friend on another site I am on, I thought it was worth posting here also.

Below are just a few personal thoughts about this Memorial Day.

Armed Forces Day is to celebrate those still in uniform.

Veterans Day is to celebrate those who served but are no longer in uniform.

Memorial Day is to remember our Veterans who never came home. It is not a day of celebration, it is a day for remembrance. It is a time to remember with love those who served but never came home. So let us please not wish each other a "Happy Memorial Day", there is nothing happy about it.

I wish you wonderful loving memories for those in your lives who never came home.


Cap`n Jack 1313
I'll be in Arlington, as I have been every Memorial Day that I've been "home". The avi I'm using right now was taken in 2019 on Flag In Day at The Garden during a thunder storm that followed a tornado that came through there just a hour before I got there.


Staff member


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
If you didn't see it in the Drivlers... ran into a friend with a pilots license and a twin engine plane. Instead of the normal 12 hours each way, we're flying up Monday morning and coming back that afternoon. Saves me a ton of money and time.
Missed that. Way better than driving.


Gator Bait
All gave some, some gave all.

And every true God loving, flag waving, America first patriot appreciates all of what everyone gave.

We are a free people who, by the blood of the fighting and the fallen, will struggle to keep the freedoms granted us by the Constitution, by God Almighty and our real heroes.


...just joking, seriously.
This is why I've never understood the fireworks activities that have popped up in recent years on Memorial Day weekend...


Cap`n Jack 1313
For those that fought, bleed, and died for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know!


Cuffem & Stuffem Moderator
Staff member
Amazing how many flags in our small community.
Each flag represents a past or present service member & has their name & branch of service on it.
The line goes much further than you can see it this picture.