New to hunting and made stupid but honest mistake.

The past couple years I have took interest in hunting and also if my son ever wants to hunt I would like to be able to teach him how to but I have to learn myself. I didn't grow up hunting nor did I have anyone to teach me. My wife's grandfather is a really good hunter but he isn't physically able to go out in the woods with me so, I have been on my own. Last year I took the hunter safety course and got my hunting license. I went a few times but not very often. The hardest challenge to me has been navigating all the regulations. I have gone over and beyond to follow all the rules exactly, I would like to teach my son the right way to enjoy the outdoors. This year I set out to get my first buck. I live in the mountains so hunting is tough but so fun, I scouted out a WMA for 2 days and found good sign and a place I felt confident I could get my first buck. I signed in exactly like I was supposed to and went over the rules again. I woke up the next morning and got to the spot before first light climbed up the tree and got comfortable. Around 10am a 4 point buck came out, and I got him. He ran down a steep hill and I recovered the deer, I field dressed the deer and got a picture. It was the most amazing hunt, I cant even explain in words how awesome it was. I felt so proud and thankful for the experience. I drug the deer up the hill and almost a mile down a closed forest service road to my vehicle. I was so proud of the buck I harvested and excited to show my son. I put the deer in my vehicle and went to check it in at the check in station, I told them it was my first buck, and they seemed proud for me. The Dnr asked for my license and my check in paper. I gave it to him, he left and came back and said why didn't I have the big game license, he said I see you have your hunting license but not the big game license that goes with it. I assured him there must be a mistake because I purchased the two stack annual hunting license and I was sure that came with it, he didn't have cell service but he wrote me a citation for not having it but did not confiscate my first buck. He said he would call me later that evening after he verified. When I got home I got online and it hit me like a ton of bricks how stupid the mistake I made. I thought I bought the sportsman combo that was stacked for 2 years that included evrything I needed to be legal and it read hunting stack two annual. I went to great length to follow the rules, wearing exactly the right amount of orange, not loading my gun until I was in my stand, when and where I could hunt, what was legal to hunt in the area. I failed completely on verifying I had the right license that covered everything I needed, honestly I was convinced I had the right thing and focused on all the other rules I needed to adhere to. I went online immediately and purchased 2 years worth of big game license, and waited for his call, he did call back and said that I did not have the big game license prior to harvesting the buck and he would take the citation to the probate office soon. I went from being completely excited about getting my first buck to extremely embarrassed about my stupid mistake. It intensified my worry about breaking a rule Im not aware of and honestly im not sure if I even want to hunt again after this, because it is not worth the risk. I have a family to support and I can not jeopardize my intergrity in the community or in my job. I cant find any information on the severity of this citation and how this will impact me. If anyone has any advice or thoughts on my situation I would greatly appreciate it.


Senior Member
First off, congrats on your buck! Secondly, thank you for joining our sport and wishing to bring your children in. The ticket will likely be quite affordable and you may even be shown mercy. Don’t view yourself as a poacher or violator if it was an honest mistake. View yourself as human and be proud they didn’t take your deer. Pay what you owe and whatever you do, don’t quit now.

Doe Dirt

Senior Member
Don’t give up over something as minor as this. That’s crazy talk. You would kick yourself in the butt later on down the road. Get that boy out there in the woods. There’s a learning curve to everything.
I have a lifetime license so I don’t have to worry too much if I’m legal or not. Maybe you should do that? Depending on the age of your son you may be able to get him one at a discount.
Yeah don’t even worry about it man. Tell ya the truth that dnr app and website needs a major overhaul. The search button brings up nothing half the time and it’s a pain to navigate. Get back in the woods.


Cap`n Jack 1313
^^^^^^^^^^^ I can't say it any better than they did. I bet over half the folks on here have gotten at least one citation for missing or forgetting something they needed. Get back in there. Congrats on your first (hopefully of many) buck.


Senior Member
Sounds like an honest mistake, pay the fine, learn the lesson and move on.

I don't understand your sentence about not loading your gun until you are in the stand. It is not legal to have a rifle loaded on maintained WMA road, but as soon as you are in the woods at whatever the distance requirement is, you can have a loaded rifle.

Safety dictates unloading while climbing, but I will admit that I usually don't unload mine, but I do pull it up horizontal instead of pointed at me.

Congrats on your first deer!


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
Congrats on your UCD and like others have said , don’t quit !
Go to the judge. Be humble, tell your story, admit fault, show that you corrected your error. Worst case scenario is a couple hundred dollar fine. Best case scenario the judge has mercy on you and reduces the fine or dismisses it entirely.
Yes sir ! Ive been really worried about this, thank you for responding.
First off, congrats on your buck! Secondly, thank you for joining our sport and wishing to bring your children in. The ticket will likely be quite affordable and you may even be shown mercy. Don’t view yourself as a poacher or violator if it was an honest mistake. View yourself as human and be proud they didn’t take your deer. Pay what you owe and whatever you do, don’t quit now.
Yes sir ! Thank you for responding, it was a stupid mistake and i do really want to keep hunting, i really enjoyed this season until this happened.
Sounds like an honest mistake, pay the fine, learn the lesson and move on.

I don't understand your sentence about not loading your gun until you are in the stand. It is not legal to have a rifle loaded on maintained WMA road, but as soon as you are in the woods at whatever the distance requirement is, you can have a loaded rifle.

Safety dictates unloading while climbing, but I will admit that I usually don't unload mine, but I do pull it up horizontal instead of pointed at me.

Congrats on your first deer!
Yes sir ! Thank you for responding. Im not sure if thats an exact rule about not loading rifle, i read it somewhere and wasnt sure so thats what did. Im such a rookie at this. There is difinetly a learning curve


Congrats on your first deer. NO question it is hard to keep up with every thing. Bet you will not make that mistake again but you will make one. Part of being human. Good luck.
Don’t give up over something as minor as this. That’s crazy talk. You would kick yourself in the butt later on down the road. Get that boy out there in the woods. There’s a learning curve to everything.
I have a lifetime license so I don’t have to worry too much if I’m legal or not. Maybe you should do that? Depending on the age of your son you may be able to get him one at a discount.
Yeah don’t even worry about it man. Tell ya the truth that dnr app and website needs a major overhaul. The search button brings up nothing half the time and it’s a pain to navigate. Get back in the woods.
Yes sir ! Thank you for responding, you are exactly right about the learning curve and how hard to navigate all the regulations are and expecially online. My wife's grandfather bought both my kids a lifetime license when they were born. I need to get one to, thats the easiest way to not have to worry about it each year.


Senior Member
Had something similar happen to me.
I showed judge my license and he told me to leave and that he Had more important cases to take care of. Congrats on your first deer. I had to learn on my own too and didn’t succeed until 2nd year. Sounds like you are ahead of the game.


New Member
First, you telling a forum your story is a man of integrity and one willing to share an honest mistake with others so that it potentially prevents an oversight by someone else. Thanks for that! However, you should not indicate that you made a stupid mistake but more in line with an honest oversight. Yes, it may cost you a fine and with some luck the judge will dismiss but in no way should you declare yourself stupid. Congrats on your first buck. Chalk this up as a lesson learned and keep up with your interest of hunting as well as introducing your child to the sport.