Newbie Knapper


Senior Member
That is some "Premium Flint River Chert" that you knocked that first point out of. Native raw stone doesn't get much better than that, however it ain't the best thing to learn on. I would strongly encourage you to use glass, or get some obsidian in the learning stages, then work up to that raw stuff later in your learning curve. I can tell you from experience, later in the game you'll wish you had saved that raw stuff till you are really ready to work it. Ben Kirkland was teaching me early on , and told me I wasn't ready for the Flint River stuff, but I was hardheaded and wouldn't listen. Now I wish I had some of that premo stone that I messed up back in the learning curve,:banginghe now that I can actually work it decently. Obsidian and glass are a lot better to learn the basics on, also thunder chert (ceramics off a toliet water tank, )is good to learn on as well. Thunder chert is avaible at most local dump sites for free. :cool::cool:It is very easy to get flustrated trying to learn on raw stone. Glass and obsidian are much more predictable, as far as flakability. Welcome to a terribly addictive new habit.:biggrin2:

Thanks for that input Ken. I've definitely got to get some obsidian to learn on.