Nothing to Pay


Gone but not forgotten.
Nothing to pay! Yes this is true
There is nothing left for the sinner to do
There's nothing to pay to earn God's love
There's nothing to pay for a home above
The sinner has nothing good within
The sinner has nothing to pay for sin
No human can keep God's holy law
None can remove a single flaw
God's debtors we are in our bankrupt state
How can we pay a debt so great
Apart from grace, though doing our best
We find no pardon, peace nor rest
Christ came from heaven to die on the tree
Eternal life! God's gift, it is free
For God hath accepted the work of His Son
He saves guilty sinners by the work He has done
God saves by grace, without good deeds
Christ is all that the sinner needs
This is the gospel so often we've heard
The message of grace in God's own Word
Why should a sinner think he can aid
Why should he pay what Christ has paid
No value is there in a human plan
But Christ tasted death for every man
No payment more will God require
What more than Christ should man desire
Complete in Christ and justified
Forgiven, cleansed and sanctified
Let us thank God for His infinite grace
And the Saviour who was willing to die in our place
To die on the cross to put sin away
Rejoicing to know there's nothing to pay
The work of the Saviour we'll never forget
Forever we'll praise Him for paying our debt
We'll honor and praise Him, looking above
Seeking each day to be filled with His love
Yes looking to Jesus, we'll run well the race
Depending each day on God's wonderful grace
God's Word is true; we're sure of reward
For all that is done in the name of the Lord
Our labor in Jesus will not be in vain
If we suffer for Jesus, in Him we will reign

Pastor J.C. O'Hair 1876-1958
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