NRA - text messages

Long Duck

New Member
Hey GON,
Just a PSA for those considering becoming an NRA member. My father recently bought me a membership. He gave them all of my information - address, email, phone number. Since that date I have been hammered with text messages regarding conservative issues - Trump, Giuliani, conservative polls, etc. I probably get 5 per day.
I called the NRA and asked them to stop. They took my phone number off the list but I think it's already been sold - so too late.
Just an FYI. Disappointed the NRA would do this.


Senior Member
I get all that minus the NRA. I am a member but never opted into texts.
Registered republican or National gun rights maybe.
We are all, too often “for sale”

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
I’m clear.

Thank goodness.


Senior Member
the NRA is virtually worthless anymore, they are more concerned with selling memberships and raising money than they are actually preserving our rights,, every member needs to abandon them, the Gun Owners of America and the Firearms Policy Coalition have done more for us in the last 5 yrs than the NRA has,, and they operate on a lot less money,, and their management doesn't wear $5k and $10k suits,,,,


Senior Member
2nd there on the Gun owners transfixer am a lifetime nra member but they won’t get any more money from me


Senior Member
At least they aren’t calling you. I made an unsolicited contribution back when Clinton was President. That placed my name on a special donor list, which resulted in constant calls asking for money. I wrote an old fashioned letter asking for them to stop, called the central office, no difference. Just started hanging up on them. After letting my membership lapse, they still called. Only way I got it to stop was getting rid of my land line.


Senior Member
Got those phone calls too begging for donations some years back.
Laughed out loud at one caller with his fake southern
drawl and told him so.


Senior Member
I wondered nowhere those texts were coming from....

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
Any time you mix people and money, no mattter the nobility of the cause, the potential for calamity is high.

Look at the Wounded Warrior project.


Bigfoot friendly
I quit unsubscribing to emails as I think it only made them worse. I don’t get too much through texts, just folks wanting to buy my house.
X2 on the NRA and the $5k+ suits….I think there are better organizations.


Senior Member
I keep waiting for that New Raptor truck they are going to send to me,,,