Official SECCG Avatar Bet


Senior Member
Elfiiiiiii, Charlie, Robert

We need some mod participation in this here thing


Senior Member
Bahahaa... ain't that the truth. Never thought we'd see it....chests all bowed out for years till them Dawgs come around.

The funny part is I get to pick the avatar if Bama wins and no Bama fans join in. :hair:
If my Tigers can beat em,,,,what makes the Dawg fans think Bama won't,,,,just saying,,,,

Speaking of Tigers.. The Auburn Tigers beat Bama and a week later in the Championship game, we beat the tar out of Auburn. just sayin...
Your Tigahs beating the Dawgs has nothing to do with this game.


Dawgs roll the Tide!


Senior Member
If my Tigers can beat em,,,,what makes the Dawg fans think Bama won't,,,,just saying,,,,
And my Gators beat LSU, what’s the point? :huh: