One for the Ford owners......

The gift, along with similar contributions from OTHER automotive manufacturers, will bolster Affirmations' efforts to raise $5.3 million to complete the facility.

Sounds like FORD is not alone in this


Senior Member
why does someone have to contribute money to us in order for us not to dislike them? :huh: bama donated 250,000 dollars out of many MILLIONS of dollars....i gurantee there are a few others that we just don't know about. not even to mention...if we all did our research...we would find that 90% of everything we use or give money to everyday probably has or still does donate money to something we do not agree with. are we going to simply quit buying everything because of it? :huh:


GONetwork Member
Just do some searching and you will see all have donated something to the gay/lesbian cause...

OMG...lets boycott them all and have nothing..... :rolleyes:

Tom Borck

bradpatt03 said:
why does someone have to contribute money to us in order for us not to dislike them? :huh: QUOTE]

I just would be interested in knowing how much if any they have contribute, nothing more nothing less. :flag:

I could not care less if the donate half their profit to gay/lesbian marmoset couples looking to adopt Micheal Jackson's love child. :bounce: