opinions on joining the free masons.


Senior Member
What drives a Christian to seek another Light? Why can't the Bible be the only source of Light? Why not insist that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven? Why not spread the message that Jesus is the light of the World? Why not agree that all Christians are in the Light and not just Masonic Christians?
If I ever find "Light" other than what I already possess, I can assure you that I will share this Light with every brother freely. We should all stay happy as we seek the Light.
I do understand that light is symbolic of truth or knowledge. Thanks to all for sharing their thoughts.
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The mtn man

Senior Member
************ just wanted to update everyone **********

i stood my proficiency on my EA degree last night and passed with flying colors.....

i really enjoyed the lecture on the fellow craft degree and look forward to listening and learning and being coached as i progress further in my degree work...

come join us sometime >> springville lodge # 153
-powder springs, ga
Congratulations brother I hope to meet you someday in our journey

The mtn man

Senior Member
Well I hope they don't kill me cause I'm pretty black. I am a Freemason and have been for some years now as a military man who has truly "traveled to foreign countries"! I am baptized and saved. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ comes first. I believed all the horror stories and danced around Masonry for years. That is until one of my uncles gave me a chest before he died. Its contained the writing and rituals that were over 150 years old that belong my grandfather and his father before him all the way up until they were freed. My people were not treated like average blacks back then in GA because of the respect my family gained through being leaders and civil servants through Masonry. I will just say this and I will leave it alone God first, then Jesus, then family, then the Lodge. Some brothers love Masonry so much that they stop going to church which sends the wrong message to those outside the lodge, or they love the brotherhood so much it takes center stage in their life. Let people talk. They don't have a heaven or - I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH -- I AM A POTTY MOUTH - to put either one of us in.
Chaplain ECJ #318
Melbourne FL
Holy Royal Arch Mason

We'll said brother

The mtn man

Senior Member
What drives a Christian to seek another Light? Why can't the Bible be the only source of Light? Why not insist that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven? Why not spread the message that Jesus is the light of the World? Why not agree that all Christians are in the Light and not just Masonic Christians?
If I ever find "Light" other than what I already possess, I can assure you that I will share this Light with every brother freely. We should all stay happy as we seek the Light.
I do understand that light is symbolic of truth or knowledge. Thanks to all for sharing their thoughts.
I stumbled across this thread and can say I have read every single post and have come to a conclusion that the ex masons who fled were possibly looking for something they didn't find whatever that was also one thing I do know is that a lodge is a brotherhood of like minded people if the fellow joined a lodge of folks that we're not like minded then there was some sort of confusion or perverted explanation of freemasonry as for the light of masonry you just will never know without being shown the light after reading your posts I think you would be disappointed if you found the light lol


Senior Member
I stumbled across this thread and can say I have read every single post and have come to a conclusion that the ex masons who fled were possibly looking for something they didn't find whatever that was also one thing I do know is that a lodge is a brotherhood of like minded people if the fellow joined a lodge of folks that we're not like minded then there was some sort of confusion or perverted explanation of freemasonry as for the light of masonry you just will never know without being shown the light after reading your posts I think you would be disappointed if you found the light lol

I probably would be disappointed in the "light of masonry."
Mainly because I know the true Light to be Jesus. I do understand Christian masons know of this true Light also.
My point is Hindu masons, Jewish masons, & Muslim masons believe they know the true light. While they believe the know the true light, I believe they don't. Freemasonry agrees with them instead of me.
While everyone in your local lodge is like minded Christians, this isn't so in the world fraternity nor is it a requirement.
I feel this has nothing to to with the righteousness or lack there of, of it's members. I'm sure most of the individuals of most lodges are better men than some Church members when it comes to being good.
The real problem is Christianity isn't based on being good but realizing one can't be good and thus needing a Redeemer. Only then can a man through the help of the Holy Spirit, after being born again, journey towards becoming a better person. He needs this to journey towards "being good."

The mtn man

Senior Member
I probably would be disappointed in the "light of masonry."
Mainly because I know the true Light to be Jesus. I do understand Christian masons know of this true Light also.
My point is Hindu masons, Jewish masons, & Muslim masons believe they know the true light. While they believe the know the true light, I believe they don't. Freemasonry agrees with them instead of me.
While everyone in your local lodge is like minded Christians, this isn't so in the world fraternity nor is it a requirement.
I feel this has nothing to to with the righteousness or lack there of, of it's members. I'm sure most of the individuals of most lodges are better men than some Church members when it comes to being good.
The real problem is Christianity isn't based on being good but realizing one can't be good and thus needing a Redeemer. Only then can a man through the help of the Holy Spirit, after being born again, journey towards becoming a better person. He needs this to journey towards "being good."
I agree 100 percent with you regarding salvation and the fact that Jesus Christ the son of god is the only way to our Heavenly Father I just think that some take free masonry out of context as for a masoniclodge being some sort of weird church I guess some lodges could be if I sat in one and seen these weird perverted things I would run for the door or make a new one I will be honest I petitioned our local lodge out of curiosity after herring all kinds of things and found the allegations quite humurous after being raised to the degree of master mason there are representations if taken out of context could make one think we were a bunch of weirdos but it is nothing more than a bunch of men who might not have much in common in the outside world that more or less agree to come together for charity purposes outside of other organized charitable events also with the agreement of watching out for one another and their families sorry for poor punctuation this iPhone keeps deleting them


Senior Member
I agree 100 percent with you regarding salvation and the fact that Jesus Christ the son of god is the only way to our Heavenly Father I just think that some take free masonry out of context as for a masoniclodge being some sort of weird church I guess some lodges could be if I sat in one and seen these weird perverted things I would run for the door or make a new one I will be honest I petitioned our local lodge out of curiosity after herring all kinds of things and found the allegations quite humurous after being raised to the degree of master mason there are representations if taken out of context could make one think we were a bunch of weirdos but it is nothing more than a bunch of men who might not have much in common in the outside world that more or less agree to come together for charity purposes outside of other organized charitable events also with the agreement of watching out for one another and their families sorry for poor punctuation this iPhone keeps deleting them

I agree with you too and don't think Freemasonry is some weird religious cult or anything. I kinda felt like it was before I researched it. Now I believe it to be just a fraternity.
I don't have a problem with others joining it's just not for me. My problem is as mentioned earlier is the parallels between the Freemasonry rituals and Christian rituals that I wouldn't feel comfortable taking a part in. I wouldn't feel comfortable with the "Light" given to me by the Worshipful master during my initiation. If someone else can then they are free to join. If they can understand that it's all just for make believe and it isn't a real travel, that it's all just symbols, then by all means join.
Good luck on your travels and I do hope we all learn more as we all travel. Especially when it comes to helping others and loving brothers.

The mtn man

Senior Member
I agree with you too and don't think Freemasonry is some weird religious cult or anything. I kinda felt like it was before I researched it. Now I believe it to be just a fraternity.
I don't have a problem with others joining it's just not for me. My problem is as mentioned earlier is the parallels between the Freemasonry rituals and Christian rituals that I wouldn't feel comfortable taking a part in. I wouldn't feel comfortable with the "Light" given to me by the Worshipful master during my initiation. If someone else can then they are free to join. If they can understand that it's all just for make believe and it isn't a real travel, that it's all just symbols, then by all means join.
Good luck on your travels and I do hope we all learn more as we all travel. Especially when it comes to helping others and loving brothers.
Thanks I will tell you how how masonry fits in my priorities 1st is my relationship with my savior 2nd is my family 3rd is my job or the way I support myself and my family masonry fits in there with hunting and fishing and other extra coricular activities I enjoy fellowship with lodge members and enjoy some of the lectures there are some words of wisdom we as productive members of society can live by I believe if someone petitions a lodge for some sort of spiritual journey then they are truly lost and misguided as for mentioning my lord and savior Jesus Christ in the lodge I have on many occasions seen men give testimonies during an open lodge meeting as to what Jesus Christ has done in their lives I guess it would depend on the lodge I could not sit in a lodge with a bunch of men who prayed to a god that in my faith does not exists if that happened in my lodge I know every member in my lodge would not go for that either as far as men of another race being members I have sat in lodge with prince hall brothers their skin is different than mine but I my eyes are my Masonic brothers and if they are saved they are my brothers in Christ nothing more nothing less I have never heard or experienced any type of racial discrimination in the lodge I hope this clears up a few things for some I am willing to answer sone questions but understand there is no brother on this forum that can speak for every mason on this earth as to their faith and to their interpretation of free masonry


Senior Member
Thanks I will tell you how how masonry fits in my priorities 1st is my relationship with my savior 2nd is my family 3rd is my job or the way I support myself and my family masonry fits in there with hunting and fishing and other extra coricular activities I enjoy fellowship with lodge members and enjoy some of the lectures there are some words of wisdom we as productive members of society can live by I believe if someone petitions a lodge for some sort of spiritual journey then they are truly lost and misguided as for mentioning my lord and savior Jesus Christ in the lodge I have on many occasions seen men give testimonies during an open lodge meeting as to what Jesus Christ has done in their lives I guess it would depend on the lodge I could not sit in a lodge with a bunch of men who prayed to a god that in my faith does not exists if that happened in my lodge I know every member in my lodge would not go for that either as far as men of another race being members I have sat in lodge with prince hall brothers their skin is different than mine but I my eyes are my Masonic brothers and if they are saved they are my brothers in Christ nothing more nothing less I have never heard or experienced any type of racial discrimination in the lodge I hope this clears up a few things for some I am willing to answer sone questions but understand there is no brother on this forum that can speak for every mason on this earth as to their faith and to their interpretation of free masonry

Amen, good testimony and priorities.

The mtn man

Senior Member
Amen, good testimony and priorities.

Thank you Heaven is my #1 goal in life Jesus is my way there free masonry to me is an outlet for me to fellowship with like minded men who I might not see every Sunday morning in church in part because some go to different churches or don't go do any type of organized worship service at all most all of these men however wayward they may be I have found no fault in them except that they are men who sin everyday just like you and me my hope would be that by being Masonic brothers with them that may be lost that some of us could be a witness them and that would plant a seed that may lead them to salvation in a lot of way like a sort of outreach ministry to those that normally don't associate with saved people a whole lot I see it as a good fellowship opportunity an opportunity for men of all walks to help one another through the struggles of this worldly life we have to live and a great opportunity to lead someone to the Lord

The mtn man

Senior Member
I would like to try to get across one more point, with the posts above aside, there is a very, very strong corolation between the founding of this great nation and Masonic principles, this is what I take from it, all men are "CREATED" equal, we are all on the same "LEVEL", No matter if your a billionair or a walmart greeter, we are both men, none better than the other, our bodies were created out of earth, and to the earth our bodies will return, no matter how big your checking account is. we should be "SQUARE" in all our dealings with all mankind,we should not be cheaters, liers, or decievers for our own worldly gain, also that I am a free man, a gift given to me by my Creator, I will not bow to any man, I will not live under an oppressive regiem, be it if they are taking away my freedom of worship or to make my own way in this world. I will, by my own free will give charity to anyone I find worthy, I will to a point welcome all mankind to break bread with me, no matter his origin, I will not defile my own principles and beliefs to justify anything, or anyone. If a brother mason commits some atrosity to his fellow man then he is no longer welcome in the fraternity, we will no longer find him worthy. If he is found to be a lier, a cheat, or any other of the sort, he will not be found worthy, the masonic lodge will not tell men how to live their lives but do lay down some basic principles, if you commit adultry, that is your business, if you commit adultry with a brother masons wife or daughter, you will no longer be found worthy among your masonic brethern, I just wanted to throw a few things out there to some of those that insist we are devil worshippers. Thanks for reading.


Senior Member
If he is found to be a lier, a cheat, or any other of the sort, he will not be found worthy, the masonic lodge will not tell men how to live their lives but do lay down some basic principles, if you commit adultry, that is your business, if you commit adultry with a brother masons wife or daughter, you will no longer be found worthy among your masonic brethern, I just wanted to throw a few things out there to some of those that insist we are devil worshippers. Thanks for reading.

So no room for liars and cheats but the way I see it an adulter is a liar and a cheat of the worst kind BUT as long as members stay away from the fellow brothers women no harm no foul :huh: Hmmmmm makes sense :crazy:facepalm:
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Senior Member
Thank you Heaven is my #1 goal in life Jesus is my way there free masonry to me is an outlet for me to fellowship with like minded men who I might not see every Sunday morning in church in part because some go to different churches or don't go do any type of organized worship service at all most all of these men however wayward they may be I have found no fault in them except that they are men who sin everyday just like you and me my hope would be that by being Masonic brothers with them that may be lost that some of us could be a witness them and that would plant a seed that may lead them to salvation in a lot of way like a sort of outreach ministry to those that normally don't associate with saved people a whole lot I see it as a good fellowship opportunity an opportunity for men of all walks to help one another through the struggles of this worldly life we have to live and a great opportunity to lead someone to the Lord

So its an outreach? I thought the discussion or promotion of religion over another was against the rules inside the lodge? To hear most on here membership is made up of the most upmost christian men

White Horse

Old And Real Ornery
So no room for liars and cheats but the way I see it an adulter is a liar and a cheat of the worst kind BUT as long as members stay away from the fellow brothers women no harm no foul :huh: Hmmmmm makes sense :crazy:facepalm:

Not the idea at all. A Mason swears to abstain from unlawful relations with a fellow Mason's women relatives and wives, but that does not condone unlawful relations with women who don't fall into those categories. And, since just about any woman is related to a Mason in some way, the coverage is pretty wide.

If you want to break up a fraternity just get the brethren fighting over women. That's why Masons don't misuse women.

Likewise, a Mason must believe in a Supreme Being, but just how he worships is is own business, since Masonry is a fraternity, not a church.

The mtn man

Senior Member
Not the idea at all. A Mason swears to abstain from unlawful relations with a fellow Mason's women relatives and wives, but that does not condone unlawful relations with women who don't fall into those categories. And, since just about any woman is related to a Mason in some way, the coverage is pretty wide.

If you want to break up a fraternity just get the brethren fighting over women. That's why Masons don't misuse women.

Likewise, a Mason must believe in a Supreme Being, but just how he worships is is own business, since Masonry is a fraternity, not a church.

When folks Ask a question, while already in there mind they , their opinion is formed. And will not change, I really don't care what the Masonic conspiracy folks envolved in this thread think anymore, you guys follow your narrow minds and believe what you want. Some of you ask question, then want to argue or degrade the answer. This conversation is pointless. Maybe some day I can be as spiritual as some of you, maybe as righteous as you, that's my goal, because I'm sure you guys are the ones gettin into heaven , I guess they want be any free masons there, so there will be no need for you to worry.rant wasn't aimed at Whitehorse.


Senior Member
Making good men better.Its that simple.We do charitable work and like to associate with our brothers of like mind.Nothing sinister.Not really even secret.My wife knew my obligations before I did from looking on line:confused:Master Mason from Allegheny 114.


Senior Member
From my posting #573...I repeat:
Masonry does not offer or promise any plan of salvation, initiates are taught that when they are admitted.
Any belief system that promises to take you to heaven in the hereafter will not be found in the Masonic Lodge. Such a belief will be between the individual and his own personal God. My personal faith tells me that I cannot achieve eternal life except through believing in Jesus Christ as the Son of the Living God. And that he died a substitutionary death for me so I would not receive the eternal spiritual death which I deserve. He paid my sin debt for me.
I have no idea what yours tells you.
If a route to a spiritual hereafter is what you call 'truth' you will not find it in a Masonic Lodge.
If you are searching for 'light', the only light you will find in a lodge of Masons is "Masonic Light" and Masonic Light only.
For what it's worth, a person can boast and display every Masonic working tool, every Masonic sign, symbol, or whatever, until the day he dies, but it will NOT get that person one inch closer to eternal life.
This speculative Masonic Light is legendary, even though the characters are taken from the old testament in the King James Bible. Masonic Light is primarily concerned with certain legendary events and activities that occurred in and around the building of King Solomon's temple.
The lessons inculcated therein are by no means of a light or trifling nature. They're some guidelines for living an upright life.
There are Masons who're drunks, adulterers, cheaters in business, just as there are the same types in churches, other fraternal orders, or the U.S. congress. Most Masons, however, attend their lodge meetings as an adjunct to their core religious beliefs.
Curiosity seekers will quickly become bored with the whole thing when they discover that passwords, signs, and symbols will not help them in business or other profane objectives...."it jes' ain't there".
Masons meet "on the level".
To a Freemason, on the level means just that — all Freemasons are Brothers
who meet on the same level, regardless of their social or economic status
outside the lodge.
Princes, presidents, and captains of business are no better or more important than bus drivers, plumbers, and paper boys when they sit in the lodge together.
Masonry does not detract from a man’s accomplishments,
nor does it exalt him above his Brothers because of his position outside the
So mote it be.


"So mote it be" is the exact statement made in wicka and witchcraft.......

White Horse

Old And Real Ornery

"So mote it be" is the exact statement made in wicka and witchcraft.......

And how did you learn that? Hearsay or personal experience? References please.