Property taxes again - Hall county


Senior Member
Hall Co. Board of Assessors 2024 vs 2023:
Fair market value 6.14% increase
Taxes up 17.1% AND I have the school tax exemption in both years
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Senior Member
Government at all levels have a spending problem, largely related to various forms of grifting and swindling or buying votes to perpetuate grifting and swindling........ When "taxation without representation" got penned in 1776, they had no idea what it meant relative to now. And then there's the "multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of officers to harass" line as well.............................. We got that too

Meriwether Mike

Senior Member
The local schools and their construction have gotten out of hand. They are building monuments for little Johnnie and Jennie to get a education in. Each school has the have monumental stairs with glass handrails, stainless steel wall panels and prescription turf athletic fields and a seperate Performing Arts Center. No sharing one for the whole county anymore. Cobb County wants to build a $50M Convocation Center to have graduation in because; i guess its too hot in their gyms or football fields. I benefit by supplying some of the product, but $500,000 of stainless steel handrails in a high school is ridiculous.


Cap`n Jack 1313
The local schools and their construction have gotten out of hand. They are building monuments for little Johnnie and Jennie to get a education in. Each school has the have monumental stairs with glass handrails, stainless steel wall panels and prescription turf athletic fields and a seperate Performing Arts Center. No sharing one for the whole county anymore. Cobb County wants to build a $50M Convocation Center to have graduation in because; i guess its too hot in their gyms or football fields. I benefit by supplying some of the product, but $500,000 of stainless steel handrails in a high school is ridiculous.
They could ask McEachern to donate some of their endowment money. :rofl:


Senior Member
Just go my bill for Jones county....$2,200 in property tax. Last year it was $1800 the year before that it was $1600.

Hidden tax on inflation. They rob your dollars purchasing power at the federal level with inflation via money printing, then you get taxed on the inflation at the state level by claiming your home value increased. When in all actuality you haven't gained anything. Your money is simply worth less. This madness has to stop....

Young folks will not ever be able to afford their own home at this rate....
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Senior Member
Wouldn’t you think all the new properties should cover the bill?
You would think so.
why am I paying anything for a school system that I have no children in?
I have no children at all so I'm paying for everyone else's kids.
I can sort of see if you had kids but if you didn't and never had you should be exempt.

Trying to say my place is on par with a new construction mini mansion is absurd. My house is from 1993 and hasn't been updated, DOES NOT COMPARE at all.


Senior Member
Our elected officials say that the tax base from new(out of town, one acre, new development) residents doesn’t cover the services we provide for them. So we all have to pay more to support the developers raping our county. It doesn’t make sense to me and never will.


Senior Member
Mine went up $500.00 at Sinclair from year , I get NO school tax break on it because it's a second house . These counties would be in bad shape without the lakes . Not knocking them but there would be major money problems the area .


Chief Big Taw
Got to pay for those teacher pay raises somehow


Staff member
How? Why?

Just got my assessment in the mail. Last yr my little 1300 sq ft house and 2 acres suddenly went up 25% from the prior yr, after being here for 17 yrs. This time it's up another 15% from last yr. My school tax this yr is more than my entire bill was 3 years ago.

My mother has 9 acres that she inherited 30 yrs ago next to me. She's in her 70s and doesn't live in hall co. Her taxes are going up over 50%. The school tax got her as well.

Ppl are freaking out. I just asked a friend if his went up. He said he didn't think so. He hadn't been to the mailbox yet. Now he's calling for a revolution! Lol! I don't blame him! Me too! We can't afford this garbage!

It's not the assessment that is the problem. It's the county commission leaving the millage rate where it is instead of cutting it.


Chief Big Taw
If you contest it the answer will be “housing prices have went up a lot in the last few years” which is true.

It’s insane what people are paying for houses