Question about deer barrier


Senior Member
We are planting Iron and Clay peas this weekend and then putting up some rope soaked in a product from plot saver. It is supposed to keep the deer out. Once the peas are tall enough then we can take it down.

Has anyone used this? How well did it work?


Senior Member
Mad, there is also a product that is sold at Home Depot that is called Milorganite. It is a fertilizer that you can apply at the time of planting that will also keep the deer out of the plot for a few weeks, allowing the peas to get out of the ground and establish a good root system. Milorganite is located with all of the other fertilizers in the outside garden department. It will save you time and money.

Double Barrel BB

Senior Member
diehardawg said:
Mad, there is also a product that is sold at Home Depot that is called Milorganite. It is a fertilizer that you can apply at the time of planting that will also keep the deer out of the plot for a few weeks, allowing the peas to get out of the ground and establish a good root system. Milorganite is located with all of the other fertilizers in the outside garden department. It will save you time and money.

Milorganite, is made from human waste....I guess the Deer can smell it. :rofl: :rofl:



Ive found that the "rope" doesnt work too well..At least not for me...I now use electric fence..allot more work but worth it.