Question about geese

Age of the goose is important

A goose hatched last spring can be treated and cooked liked roast beef —an old goose is much tougher and has more of the gamey liver taste

I started hunting geese the very first year it opened in Georgia when the limit was one goose per year and you had to be drawn to hunt
I plucked that first goose and stuffed it with sliced up oranges and baked it in a baking bag— it was awesome
Next year I tried the same recipe and had to feed it to the dog— bigger and older goose

The toughest part is determining their age— unless it has a leg band you don’t really know— even then some say banded as an adult which means the person doing the banding doesn’t even know the age

My 23 year old son shot his first banded goose when he was 9 years old—when we got the band info back we found out him and the goose were both 9 years old

They can live a long time and get real tough

I shoot about 15 each year and turn them all into jerky

Get a jerky kit from high mountain and follow the instructions