STOLEN GUNS! From Bass Pro parking lot!


Senior Member
That mall is historically bad for break-ins. Yes BPS will help. They have cameras watching the lot.


Senior Member
I feel ya, had two shotguns stolen out of my blazer in the carport at my house one night. Did not even realize it till went to go hunting that weekend. In the mean time, they came back and stole a stihl blower and chainsaw. Never caught them, but then again, I do not have security cameras. Our old black lab probably licked their hands and wagged his tail while they were breaking in. haha


Senior Member
Not in my experience.

I had a locked rental car broken into at the Bass Pro in Dania, FL. Perps stole my laptop and some other items.

BPS "Loss Prevention" staff would not even make a report. Referred my to the Dade County Sheriff's office who took a report and told me that BPS NEVER worked with them on improving on site security.

Just another reason I don't give BPS a dime.

To the OP , I hope you are diligent and make every effort to get cooperation from BPS - Good Luck.

Must be that location then. I know those cameras are good but they have to be looking at the car to catch them. Plus those are NOT Bass pros camera in the parking lot. Those are part of the mall and those guys are a joke

david w.

Senior Member
theres always something get stolen outta somebodys truck at that bass pro shops.


dont get your hopes up for getting the guns back, a friend of mine had his truck broken into there last year just before christmas and they {BPS} didnt do anything to help, told him to call mall secutity and they were a joke, they did have video of the lot but it was such low quality he said you couldnt tell what make car it was that the guy got out of, the car cruised the lot and let the guy out on the third pass, he was in and out of the truck in less than a min and was gone. BPS should hire their own gaurds around the hollidays to watch the parking lot.
sorry for your loss.


Senior Member
Just wondering if your guns were visible from the outside.

If I park my truck somewhere with guns I try to make sure that they aren't visible from the window. I think most thieves are gonna wanna know that the trouble of them breaking in is going to pay off.


Senior Member
Be careful using your credit cards there as well. Bought my wife a rifle there a few weeks back, and not 2 days later strange charges starting showing up, that was a mess!!!

We think somebody that works there did it.

Sorry to hear that someone broke into your truck, good luck on getting the stuff back, I would first look at local pawn shops. Hope you had your serial numbers documented.

I have all mine written down, and have photos of the guns with close up pictures of all the serial numbers.


Gone but not forgotten.
if thieves were prosecuted properly this kind of stuff would not happen--hope you have some luck recovering or finding out something

They use to hang horse thiefs, they need to do the same now. Set up a sting operation, catch them in the act and take them to the nearest tree and publicly hang them. Let the buzzards clean up the mess.


Staff member
I never leave any guns in my truck in public places or even at home because I'm always worried something like this will happen. I do carry one on me though.


Senior Member
Ok im sorry to vent alittle on this but i must. I helped this gentleman out today when he came into my store asking about the guns. I am a fellow GON member and had read his story earlier in the day and was already trying to track him down to talk to him. The parking lot is NOT bass pro property, it is the malls. They have a whole security force and equipment meant to deal with this activity. I personally just overlook them and go straight to the police. We do our best to help everyone out but we arnt super heros. This is my part time job do to budget changes with this company forced me to drop down to part time and find another full time job. I believe we helped this man today to the absolute best of my ability. Also if he is reading this, this BPS location will do everything possible that is needed. Again sorry to vent but it angers me when people say me or my fellow staff members arnt doing anything to help anyone when we are. I do apologize to everyone who had a bad experience on behalf of BPS. Not everyone can be perfect but at my location we do try.


Senior Member
Brother, I hate to hear you lost your guns. The fact that this was in Gwinnett County ( the new decata' ), I'm truly amazed your truck was still there! As far as waitin on bass pro to help, good luck! I've gone in there trying to BUY a gun and was willing to give them money and it took them an hr before the even acknowledged I was a human being.


Senior Member
Ok im sorry to vent alittle on this but i must. I helped this gentleman out today when he came into my store asking about the guns. I am a fellow GON member and had read his story earlier in the day and was already trying to track him down to talk to him. The parking lot is NOT bass pro property, it is the malls. They have a whole security force and equipment meant to deal with this activity. I personally just overlook them and go straight to the police. We do our best to help everyone out but we arnt super heros. This is my part time job do to budget changes with this company forced me to drop down to part time and find another full time job. I believe we helped this man today to the absolute best of my ability. Also if he is reading this, this BPS location will do everything possible that is needed. Again sorry to vent but it angers me when people say me or my fellow staff members arnt doing anything to help anyone when we are. I do apologize to everyone who had a bad experience on behalf of BPS. Not everyone can be perfect but at my location we do try.

Maybe bps should hire there on security guard since so many people have problems in your ( I mean the malls ) parking lot. Just an idea.:huh: And hey, ::ke:tell your boss that next yall send out 60,000 sales papers with the thermacell's for 14.99, maybe he should have more than 5 on hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know:huh: common sense is hard to find these days.:crazy:
Ok im sorry to vent alittle on this but i must. I helped this gentleman out today when he came into my store asking about the guns. I am a fellow GON member and had read his story earlier in the day and was already trying to track him down to talk to him. The parking lot is NOT bass pro property, it is the malls. They have a whole security force and equipment meant to deal with this activity. I personally just overlook them and go straight to the police. We do our best to help everyone out but we arnt super heros. This is my part time job do to budget changes with this company forced me to drop down to part time and find another full time job. I believe we helped this man today to the absolute best of my ability. Also if he is reading this, this BPS location will do everything possible that is needed. Again sorry to vent but it angers me when people say me or my fellow staff members arnt doing anything to help anyone when we are. I do apologize to everyone who had a bad experience on behalf of BPS. Not everyone can be perfect but at my location we do try.

Good post.


Senior Member
Just to clear the air, the people at Bass Pro were great help and very concerned. The guy who helped me met me within minutes of my entering the store this morning. My post was not against Bass Pro but to reach out to as many people as quickly as I could to put the word out about my guns and to prevent it from happening to someone else. And it worked he told me that he had read my post before I got there and he had already contacted the police and mall security. Bass Pro did their job and then some. I can only hope mall security and Gwinett PD do the same. I'll post the progress. Meanwhile keep a watch out and talk it around. Knowledge of things like this happening will maybe keep people cautious and aware. If I had read a story or heard something like this it wouldn't have happened to me. I wouldn't have had my guns in my truck. I hope my story saves this from happening to all people here and their friends and family.


Senior Member
So true.
I saw on the news the other night where they arrested a guy for breaking into cars in the Mid town area. He had been arrester 40 times before. Their solution to the problem was that they needed more police. I was thinking to myself. Sounds like the police were doing their jobs. The judges were not.

Having been there, and done that (put lots of criminals in jail/prision) it's not the really the judges; but the people who elect them thus dictating...oh poor pitiful victim of their enviroment....I'm think Sheriff Joe out in Mariposa Az has the right idea....for the convicted; hard labor or death for any first degree felony. Three felonies equal a first degree felony=death. My idea; janitors closet with built in floor drain, metal chair, wire cable, set of handcuffs, and off course the hose to wash the floor afterwards:cool:
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T/C 300 MAG

Senior Member

An investment in a beat up truck a couple beat up shotguns from a pawn shop and an easton baseball bat would do the trick. If you can't bait deer you can bait a low life. Stake out the truck, he'll be back grazing.:rofl:


Senior Member
Sorry to hear about you loss maybe you will find the low lifers that did this.


Senior Member
Sorry to have gone off like that. As for hiring a security guard, again its the malls property and we have no jurisdiction in the parking lot. Even now i dont have the authority to tell people to leave the lot and thats anyone associated with bass pro. we have asked the police to have an increased presence but they have better things to do. not saying LE doesnt care, just they dont have the man power to sit in the parking lot all day. Although i did clock one for almost 2 hours. mall security really doesnt help much and we are at a standstill with them. i just want everyone to know I atleast am trying to help everyone. As for the gun counter, sometimes it gets crazy and only a certain few are able to actually sell guns. I know the process inside and out but im still not allowed to sell, even though i proof read the paperwork. Sorry to all about the batteries! lol no control over that.


Senior Member
It is not any merchants responsibility to police public property, that is the responsibility of the government. Unfortunately there is not any money in catching thieves, so the authorities are not going to spend many resources on that problem. Instead, the war on drugs and citizens has made it very profitable to the government agencies by seizing property, cash and receiving anti-drug grants that they have little interest in low revenue crime.


It is not any merchants responsibility to police public property, that is the responsibility of the government. Unfortunately there is not any money in catching thieves, so the authorities are not going to spend many resources on that problem. Instead, the war on drugs and citizens has made it very profitable to the government agencies by seizing property, cash and receiving anti-drug grants that they have little interest in low revenue crime.

Dave--That point is so very true. If you told the Gwinnett PD that there were drug deals going down in the BPS parking lot there would be a swarm of em. Police depts have figured out that they get a lot more money for drugs than they do busting larsons.

Can a vet tell me how to install a claymore on the inside of my door frame? I need to go to BPS tonight. :cool: