Strange Encounter


Redneck Emperor
Like to share my experience from last night.
Well I hunt bow only public land kinda in the middle of nowhere. I went yesterday afternoon to a new spot on the far end of the property where I saw a few deer last Sunday afternoon. Ok this is where it gets weird. First time sitting there after I get down I am getting my stuff together for the walk out and its dark now and I see a light shining through the trees from a walking trail above me. No big deal hey its public. He has no idea I am there and continues down the path which leads to the property line and goes out of site in the private. I walked back to my truck and went home.

Next time I hunted this area I got down and started out without my light at first to see if my buddy with the light showed up and sure enough there he was on the same trail again. This time I turned on my head lamp and walked out never thinking about the other guy. Half way back to the truck which is about 1.5 mile walk all together I look to my left and can see a light about 75 yards in. When I shined mine on him he turned his toward me. Now I am on a dirt road steady walking and he has fallowed me a half mile or more through thick woods and kept up with me. Once again I shook it off and finished off my walk got to my truck and went home.

Now last night I will never forget. I hunted seen one little deer and got down and started walking out in the dark with no headlamp. Got to about the same spot as other two times and sure enough I see that light. It was an old looking light. Had a orange tent to it like the old school flashlights had. He is moving so slow and my mind is thinking crazy things like what if he has thermal imaging and he is actually out here night hunting. About that time I step on a stick and CRACK. His light goes black. O crap he knows I'm hear now. I reach for my pistol and I don't have one in the chamber so I go to rack it and my clip falls out. Yes it did. Hands and knees feeling around and ok got it. With one in the chamber I decide to just turn my light on and get out of here. Turned mine on started walking and looked to my left and there he was light on walking step for step with me. my path and his meet ahead about 100 yards and I decide I will just talk to this guy. I get to were they meet and he is no where around.

Ok I am out of here. I start fast walking on the road leading to my truck. I just had to look to my left and my heart dropped there was his light in the thick wood keeping up with me. I would walk a bit turn my head and there he is. After a few more looks I didn't see the light any more. Started feeling a little relief till I looked closer and could see the glass from his light that was off shinning back at me from my headlamp. We went step for step for over half a mile. I even started yelling whats your problem man. I honestly thought this is it. I didn't want to shoot the guy but yes it crossed my mind. Got to my truck and flew out of there.

Any idea what or why someone would do this. I am going back today and put up a few cell cameras. You can bet I will be out of there way before dark.
Here’s what I would do. I’d bring a buddy and only one of y’all have a light so this character doesn’t know there are two of you. When you see him this time you and your buddy head straight to him. He’s either GON run like a coward or you’ll get to tell him what he needs to hear.


Here’s what I would do. I’d bring a buddy and only one of y’all have a light so this character doesn’t know there are two of you. When you see him this time you and your buddy head straight to him. He’s either GON run like a coward or you’ll get to tell him what he needs to hear.
Only to add don't talk to the buddy, don't let him get ahead of you so the other guy sees his shadow


Senior Member
Ima gonna let you hunt that spot, just saying….sound like a monsta in them woods.


I might have missed it - did you go up on the trail where you have seen the light? Even if during daylight. To see if it is a stationary light that comes on at night?


Senior Member
Good morning I went back out there yesterday afternoon. I put a cell camera on the trail I think the light was coming from. I also looked for tracks in the road but nothing since the last rain. He must be staying in the wood edge purposely so he wont leave any tracks. Yes I left before the sun went down.

Some have said street lights or other fixed such lights I am seeing threw the trees. No sir although I have not seen the wearer of the light I on three occasions have watched it move through the woods. As for when he was following me back to my truck at a fast pace I'm thinking he has to have some sort of night vision. No way anyone can move that fast in the woods without being able to see clearly.

Someone else said I should have fired a round into the ground to scare him off. I thought about that but also thought what kind of weapon he might have. If I shoot he might think I am shooting at him and then return fire.

Some have said take a friend with me and confront this person. I have a feeling this person would see this coming and avoid it somehow. Could be ex military and just likes to hang out in the woods at night. Whatever the case maybe I am going to let him have that section of woods. I moved my climber to the other side of the property yesterday to a spot I have been wanting to try anyway. I will never forget this crazy experience but now I just want to enjoy my last two days of deer season. Good luck to you all and look out for strange moving lights.


Daily Driveler News Team
Are there any vehicles parked within a 1/2 mile of where you parked?
Any homes deer camps on the private land?
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“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
Good morning I went back out there yesterday afternoon. I put a cell camera on the trail I think the light was coming from. I also looked for tracks in the road but nothing since the last rain. He must be staying in the wood edge purposely so he wont leave any tracks. Yes I left before the sun went down.

Some have said street lights or other fixed such lights I am seeing threw the trees. No sir although I have not seen the wearer of the light I on three occasions have watched it move through the woods. As for when he was following me back to my truck at a fast pace I'm thinking he has to have some sort of night vision. No way anyone can move that fast in the woods without being able to see clearly.

Someone else said I should have fired a round into the ground to scare him off. I thought about that but also thought what kind of weapon he might have. If I shoot he might think I am shooting at him and then return fire.

Some have said take a friend with me and confront this person. I have a feeling this person would see this coming and avoid it somehow. Could be ex military and just likes to hang out in the woods at night. Whatever the case maybe I am going to let him have that section of woods. I moved my climber to the other side of the property yesterday to a spot I have been wanting to try anyway. I will never forget this crazy experience but now I just want to enjoy my last two days of deer season. Good luck to you all and look out for strange moving lights.
Ft Benning ?


Redneck Emperor
I must be the only person reading that thinks you've possibly watched one too many scary movies?
I'd leave the pistol at home and get down before it gets dark. That would be way safer for everyone than what you have described.
Normally I would agree. But the fact that this keeps happening is pretty weird. I’d have to see what this guy’s problem was. Which why I suggested bringing a buddy. The whole game changes if there are two of you. Even if the guy is crazy as a run over dog and has bad intentions he ain’t GON take on two people.


Senior Member
Not close to Benning. No vehicles parked on the public land. Two trailers about a mile and a half away are the closest people. This is where I think he is coming from. As far as I know he has not broken any laws just scared the crap out of me. I think that I accidentally intruded on his happy place and he just wanted me to leave. I have no problem with that. There are plenty of deer on the other side of the property.
If it is truly a person and acting as you described. That is a sign of a person doing stuff they aren’t suppose to do and trying to spook you and run you off. I seriously doubt someone would be hunting an area and go to lengths like that to mess with someone to get them outta there hunting area.. Now a days that’s a good way to get shot. So I would rule that out.. me I am a bit of hard headed and wouldn’t let no one run me outta my spot I was hunting on public ground. I would have to get to the bottom of it and either meet the person and find out what the issues are and intentions.. you didn’t go there messing with him and I would stand my ground so to speak unless the person takes it to another level. The. The law would handle it. However you most likely are handling it the correct way and just move on and avoid conflict and confrontation. It is just deer hunting and public land room for plenty and no need in proving anything.


Redneck Emperor
If it is truly a person and acting as you described. That is a sign of a person doing stuff they aren’t suppose to do and trying to spook you and run you off. I seriously doubt someone would be hunting an area and go to lengths like that to mess with someone to get them outta there hunting area.. Now a days that’s a good way to get shot. So I would rule that out.. me I am a bit of hard headed and wouldn’t let no one run me outta my spot I was hunting on public ground. I would have to get to the bottom of it and either meet the person and find out what the issues are and intentions.. you didn’t go there messing with him and I would stand my ground so to speak unless the person takes it to another level. The. The law would handle it. However you most likely are handling it the correct way and just move on and avoid conflict and confrontation. It is just deer hunting and public land room for plenty and no need in proving anything.
Yeah there is no way I could let this weirdo run me off. And I think you’re spot on that what ever this character’s problem is it ain’t trying to scare somebody out of a spot over hunting.