Tennessee hatchery spawns native southern appalachian brook trout


Senior Member
Nice story.

trad bow

wooden stick slinging driveler
Excellent video


Senior Member
"in the effort to re-establish the Southern App. brook trout"

Someone should tell them that the native char are doing ok without this kind of help. There has got to be more to this story than them wanting to stock one small creek, when TN already has creeks with brookies in them, both in and out of the Park I would imagine. I'll bite your hook, lampern - what's this really about? Maybe they're just wanting to stop importing northern strain trout to stock with - and I'd be all for that. Can't help but wonder about the cost to raise them vs. the northern fish though. hmmmm

PS - you sure you're name ain't "Mr. T?" You live in Florida? lol :)
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Senior Member
Unlike the state of Georgia, apparently the states of TN, SC and NC are busy restoring more stream miles to native brook trout and this must be part of it.


Ah. Maybe so. That said, perhaps it's that, unlike the states of TN, SC and NC, Georgia's streams for the most part are in good shape, have been doing fine for half a century now and don't need "restoring." Something to ponder I guess. Maybe some unbiased authority on the matter will happen by...

Concrete Pete

Senior Member
Ah. Maybe so. That said, perhaps it's that, unlike the states of TN, SC and NC, Georgia's streams for the most part are in good shape, have been doing fine for half a century now and don't need "restoring." Something to ponder I guess. Maybe some unbiased authority on the matter will happen by...

Not trying to argue, but GA brook trout populations could be in better shape.

Not saying TN is doing the right or wrong thing, but I feel like GA is seriously lacking in protections for our native trout.

Killer Kyle

Senior Member
I believe the tellico hatchery stopped producing specks a long time ago.

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