That tuff sec schedule sure seems to

trad bow

wooden stick slinging driveler
South Cakalackly beat North Carolina goats yesterday


Senior Member
One minute I feel like OSU is gonna smoke Utah then the next minute I get worried? :LOL:

I’d be worried-different decade but same coach and style of play-2008 Sugar Bowl-Bama-Utah….Utah was the Cinderella team at the time. Bama on the rise with Saban in his second year at Bama…Utah comes out in a two minute offense and puts 21 on Bama right out of the gate. That was already enough to seal the game by the time Bama regrouped and figured it out, they were too far behind and Utah played well enough the rest of the game to stay ahead.
To me, that was a stunner of a game…
I think tOSU and Bama need to be ready for that style of play this weekend!

Best of luck to tOSU!


Keeper of the Magic Word


Staff member
Don't we have a yankee troll eradicator plug in for this forum software? Asking for a friend.

I’m looking, I’m looking, is this it.FEE58EB0-114E-44ED-A36F-D1D8F8B071F1.jpeg


Staff member
NCAA Football : Conference Series Records : Ohio State vs. SEC

Ohio State vs. SEC overall record
ALL GAMES: (5-12-1) 30.6% : AVERAGE SCORE: 19.4 - - 26.1
BOWL GAMES: (2-11) 15.4% : AVERAGE SCORE: 19.4 - - 30.9


**# 1 Fan**OHIO STATE**
I'm a.bigger ACC fan, I'm just calling a spade a spade. Sorry OSU sucks this year
10-2 with a rose bowl appearance. I agree. They do suck compared to where they usually are. You can call it what ever you like. It doesn’t make it true


Senior Member
Yes it does. THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ohio State is getting a participation trophy. It's called the Rose Bowl. What's worse is your most hated rival and their goof ball coach put you there. Enjoy the game.

mizzippi jb

Welcome back.
Who cares where the others shake out.... Top 2 playing for the top 1. SEC.... SEC... SEC..... IT JUST MEANS MORE!!!