Useles Billy shot #1184 times at juan dub bird.

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Useles Billy ain’t got nothing on ME !
Got tew go to UGA for work-related things. Me and my coworker (also a Tech grad)... Their professors act funny when they find out where you went to school.


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
I pu
Back in the day, we made our own Baker type climbers in Jr High shop class......

I was big timing when I got a real Baker chinnin' bar for Christmas...

Whatta death trap....

Tree spikes and 2x6s weren't any better...
I remember ??


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
What's a safety strap


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
I was told simply...Be careful son, if you screw around and fall you'll probably break your neck and die.

He meant it, and I knew it.

If yer gonna be dumb, better be tuff


I Gots Goats
I am all about the safety harnesses these days. Have lotsa buddies who grew up huntin' the way I did who will not wear em. Makes me sad.


I Gots Goats
Deer season means Other People's Deer (OPD) season! It's the best!
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I Gots Goats
"Look at whut this young man kilt up in So-n-So........don't know him, but congrats!"


I Gots Goats
Folks passing along text messages of mega deers which was kilt by somebody somewhere as if we all GON be excited about it.
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