Question for Christian Lurkers


Senior Member
If someone very close to you (a son, daughter, parent, friend, etc.) who you believe to be a sold-out, blood bought, born again Christian tells you that he or she is actually an atheist, and has been (secretly) for years, how would you respond? Would you treat this person any differently? Have any of you ever had this experience?


Senior Member
They'd probably do the same thing my mother-in-law does- pray.


Senior Member
Hello Dex, Does your family know that you are atheist? I suspect that that person confessing his nonbelief would be bombarded with scriptures as if that were the remedy for nonbelief. Eventually, that would cause avoidance between parties


Senior Member
never had this happen. Im sure if it did there would be alot of conversation as to why they "faked" being a Christian, and also why the don't believe.

Tim L

Senior Member
Similar expereince; one was a friend that admitted she didn't believe in God; years later she did a 360 and became a "jain" similar to hindu, more emphasis on not taking any animals life...We didn't treat her any different when she said she was athiest nor when she went jain....hard to be jain if your not indian but she does it..she is what she is..


Senior Member
Would just pray for them but probably wouldn't be much difference, but then again it would be hard to to all cool about it, if two don't agree they can't walk together, that's scripture not me.


Senior Member
Never happened to me, but I would be more concerned as to why they had to hide their beliefs, then to the reason the held them.


Senior Member
I have a bil and his wife who are in a non-denominational, Universalist-style, cult. She was not "churched", yet exposed to Christianity as a young person and considers herself "spiritual". He was raised as a Baptist till he reached about 16-17 y.o., when he basically quit being anything of a religious nature.

Love them, pray for them, but they definitely march to the beat of a different drummer. They respect our right to our religious beliefs, while we continue to gently make an effort to provide for them a Christian context for comparison. They are very much "citizens of this world". I am pretty certain that only the work of the Holy Spirit can change their hearts. We won't cease to give witness to the truth. It sure does break my heart that they don't have the relationship with Jesus that is available to them.


Senior Member
Hello Dex, Does your family know that you are atheist? I suspect that that person confessing his nonbelief would be bombarded with scriptures as if that were the remedy for nonbelief. Eventually, that would cause avoidance between parties

Some do; some don't. It's more of a don't ask don't tell kind of arrangement.


Senior Member
never had this happen. Im sure if it did there would be alot of conversation as to why they "faked" being a Christian, and also why the don't believe.

Same reason many homosexuals remain in the closet - fear of coming out. Fear of losing family members and friends; fear of rejection by those closest to them; fear of negative consequences at work, home, school, etc.


Senior Member
Same reason many homosexuals remain in the closet - fear of coming out. Fear of losing family members and friends; fear of rejection by those closest to them; fear of negative consequences at work, home, school, etc.

thats the wonderful thing about being a Christian, a TRUE relationship with Christ really sets a person free.


thats the wonderful thing about being a Christian, a TRUE relationship with Christ really sets a person free.

Until all the other Christians start telling you why you aren't a REAL Christian. :rofl::rofl::pop:


Senior Member
Until all the other Christians start telling you why you aren't a REAL Christian. :rofl::rofl::pop:

I'll never tell anybody they are not a "real" Christian, I will tell somebody that TRUE Christianity IMO has nothing to do with some of the mumbo jumbo that some Christians argue about that atheist use to fuel there false fire.:biggrin2:


Senior Member
I'll never tell anybody they are not a "real" Christian, I will tell somebody that TRUE Christianity IMO has nothing to do with some of the mumbo jumbo that some Christians argue about that atheist use to fuel there false fire.:biggrin2:

My wife's parent go to a UCC church: United Church of Christ. They have a lesbian pastor. Are they TRUE Christians?

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
My wife's parent go to a UCC church: United Church of Christ. They have a lesbian pastor. Are they TRUE Christians?

I don't see why they wouldn't be, ambush. Now as you well know, some "holier than thou" Christians will tell you that if you aren't this denomination or that denomination then you're not a "Christian". We get waaaaay too hung up on denominations.


Senior Member
I don't see why they wouldn't be, ambush. Now as you well know, some "holier than thou" Christians will tell you that if you aren't this denomination or that denomination then you're not a "Christian". We get waaaaay too hung up on denominations.

If one were to follow the bible and its teachings, as I understand it, homosexuality should not be "normalized" or accepted. To have a gay pastor seems like it does both of those. Of course I don't have the magical discernment power.....or do I? :biggrin2:

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
If one were to follow the bible and its teachings, as I understand it, homosexuality should not be "normalized" or accepted. To have a gay pastor seems like it does both of those. Of course I don't have the magical discernment power.....or do I? :biggrin2:

Matthew 9:12 has your answer. You can't help the pastor to see the error of her ways if you're not around her.


Senior Member
My wife's parent go to a UCC church: United Church of Christ. They have a lesbian pastor. Are they TRUE Christians?

Only God knows their hearts. The pastor is an individual removed from others. God knows her heart too. Only He knows for sure.


Senior Member
If the pastor is a homosexual, then why would they go and sit under such abominable teachings. A pastor is supposed to be the leader of his flock, and to teach the true gospel, how can that pastor teach the true gospel when God said Himself that homosexuality is an abomination?