#1 American


Senior Member
Who in your opinion is the number 1 american.
has HE/SHE done great things
did they make us laugh
did we feel proud of them

DID they exemplify AMERICAN?


coon dawg

GONetwork Member

George Washington.......he went against "the man" :cool: :pop: , and kicked the Brits elmoes.....


Senior Member
Bowbender said:
:D :bounce: :bounce: :rofl:

I will have to say it was my "Father" He fought for his country and rasied 6 of us.. Always had a roof over are heads and food in are bellies.. he stayed by my mothers side through so many years of sickness.. He did so much for us kids... All I can hope for is to be half the man he was, he was and still is my hero!!!! :flag: :flag:

i agree with you, i hope i could be half the man my daddy has been.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
#1 My Dad
#2 Audie Murphy
#3 HT2 :cheers:


Every one of us working stiffs that keep this country going. From public service to the factory worker, we're the ones that make the ball bounce.

This Buds for you!

Nick T


GONetwork Senator Area 51
My parents, Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, and yes HT2. In that order.

No. GA. Mt. Man

Gone But Not Forgotten
HuntinRebel3 said:
Al Gore!!! He did invent the internet, right? :confused: If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have Woody's Campfire!!

::ke: ::ke: ::ke: ::ke: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That is a good 'un.
Ronald Reagan the greatest president of my lifetime and one of the greatest of all time. :clap: Man I hate it when me and Jim agree on sumpin' ::ke: :bounce:


Whoa Now!!!!!!!

I appreciate all the good words, but I'm far from even seeing the bottom of this list..........

There have been a lot of people that could probably be considered the #1 American......

But, I personally think it's really hard to say that "just" one person is that........


I'd say that every person that has served this country in the Armed Forces, whether it be during war time or peace time, whether it be now or 100 years in the past are the #1 Americans!!!!!!!!!!

No. GA. Mt. Man

Gone But Not Forgotten
Tim if I had said you would you have said me?


GONetwork Senator Area 51
I would have NGMM we mountain boys have got to stick together. :D


No. G..........

No. GA. Mt. Man said:
Tim if I had said you would you have said me?

Gimme a while to think on that one......... :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: