Awesome hunt


Senior Member
Well a friend got drawn for the quota hunt and I was the designated camera man this weekend. Saturday morning we were set up on some birds but they didn't like what we had to offer. This morning we changed our set up to cut them off if they traveled the same route as yesterday. They weren't there. We had birds gobbling all around us but a pretty good ways off. We changed spots to get on some birds that we're still gobbling. They sounded a ways off but we got to the edge of the property and decided to set up and call. We called a couple times and it sounded like the birds were getting closer. We could tell it was more than one but that was about it. We sat for what seemed like eternity to see what they would do when we heard another gobble that sounded 100-150 yards away still. Another minute or two passed and I hear my buddy say bird bird. I cut the camera on but didn't turn my head for fear of spooking them. I slowly eased my head and camera towards the direction of the Turkeys but they were too far to the right for me to see them in the view finder of the camera. They started working away from us at a steady pace and ignored my light clucks completely. It seemed like that was it so I figured I'd get more aggressive and see if we could get them to come in. That got their attention and the show was on. One bird started strutting and they both started gobbling at just about every series of aggressive calling that I did. The only problem was that they were still 60 or 70 yards out. I started scratching in the leaves and purring which seemed to get them to work towards us. There was one major problem. A ditch between us and them at 35 yards that they wouldn't cross. They were hung up right on the other side and my buddy had a shot except for the fact that a small tree was blocking him from pointing the gun at them. They all of a sudden decided to turn and walk away so I told him to shoot if he could. He pushed away from the tree and maneuvered to where he could get the gun on them. He pulled the trigger but they were out of range. The strutter went to the top of the hill while the other bird flew into a tree about 65 yards away. The one on top of the hill disappeared so we turned our attention the the turkey perched in the tree wondering what happened. A couple yelps and some cutting got his attention but it still took a good 4 or 5 minutes to coax him out of the tree. He flew down towards us but on the other side of the ditch still. He went behind a tree which allowed Blake to get the gun and ready. The turkey emerged from behind the tree and the shot rang out and the bird started flapping. I was super excited because I knew the bird was dead. I tried to get the camera up and on blake as he ran towards it. I looked up to see the bird flying again. That sent me into a full sprint through the burned area towards the bird. Blake was coming up from behind and I tried to come at it from the side. The bird turned to run in the bottom so I made my diving attempt. I came up from the ground with nothing more than a handful of tail feathers. And was on the chase again. The turkey had turned back towards the burned clearing and it was my turn to be in hot pursuit while blake came in from the side. In a last ditch effort to slow the turkey as I was coming from behind Blake lobbed his thermocell which resulted in a direct hit in the side of the turkey. It threw the turkey off balance just enough for me to make the final dive onto the bird. It was finally finished. As we sat there trying to catch our breath we couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Wishing badly that we could have relived the whole chase on film. It was Blakes first public land Tom and a fine one at that. I don't have the spur measurements but he has a 9.5 inch beard. This one didn't go as planned but it sure was fun. I thank God that we had a chance to get out and chase them today and that everything came together. This is one we will talk about for years to come. Sorry for the long read but a lot happened in this hunt. Unfortunately we got now good footage but plenty of good audio. I will post pictures later on

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