Disney Fight


Staff member
According to this morning's news, NO criminal charges filed. Go figure......

Reports say the "contestants" were "non cooperative with police". :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Now the bystanders are receiving heavy criticism for now trying to stop the fight , where males were hitting females and little kids were standing there watching . Would you have stepped into the wild fray to stop it ? I would not have . If I was younger and less intelligent maybe but now I'm thinking when this family reunion is over they will be looking to sue anyone possible , Disney for sure and anyone trying to deprive them of their wright to ruin other family day at Disney Land . They should all be arrested today .
My priority in a situation like that would be to immediately remove my wife from the area. I wouldn't have been there any way with their no concealed carry stance. You get injured, sued, and or locked up and she'll still be with him next week. I've witnessed cats, dogs, and bulls fighting and never felt the need to break it up unless they belonged to me. None of the fools belong to me.