If You Get Snake Bit


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Folks, with the subtle change in the weather, hunting season in sight, and breeding season for rattlesnakes going on right now, if you get bit by one of our pit vipers, do ya`ll know what the very best snake bite kit is?

I know. Do you?


...just joking, seriously.
I hope it's one of these. I have about a half a dozen riding around in various places...
Excellent for bee stings also.


swamp hunter

Senior Member
My cell phone and my Hunting Pard that's pretty close with his Ranger . 911 can meet us at the gate.
Hospital is real close to the KFC so I should be able to grab a bucket on the way home after a couple days.
I been slipping the woods bout 50 years now without getting bit so I worry more about...well not much of anything.

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
A cell phone would be good to alert emergency personnel, possibly to have an ambulance to meet you on the way.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
I'd really like to know the other thing so come with it Mr Nic

Truck keys and cell phone.

Only apply a tourniquet if you want to lose that limb. NEVER use a tourniquet. And throw away your Cutter Snake Bite Kit. The electroshock treatment doesn`t work either.

Just get to the hospital as fast and safely as possible.