It's going to be all of our last time one day..


Senior Member
Good on you Arrow3. I'd say you just banked some seriously good Karma points.
I'd have done the same thing in that situation. Thank you, you've restored some of my faith in humanity by doing what you did.


Staff member
Good job B....... prayers for him and his family.

Triple C

Senior Member
Good on you Brandon. Pretty special right there. All of us have an hour glass in our bellies but none of us know how many grains of sand are left to fall thru the funnel. Better try and make each grain count. You did with that gesture.


Senior Member
That's just awesome my friend! Brought tears to my eyes thinking back.

I have these 3 pictures saved in a hundred different places or more because they mean that much to me.

One is of my dad with a nice bass about 2 weeks before he had a sudden heart attack and died on his kitchen floor. It was the last pic ever taken of him. We doubled up side by side on 2 good ones at the same time.

2nd is my granny. My cousin and I took her to a small farm pond. She was getting very weak so the family moved her in with my aunt. She was very homesick and depressed. She caught this nice cat. She said that was that best picture she ever made lol. A week later she broke her hip and was in a bed for the last several months of her life.

3rd is my uncle Larry. I took him to my favorite trout hole. We had an incredible day. He ended up catching one over 8lbs! He said he had never caught a fish that big. We always talked about going back, but never did. He went in for a simple gallbladder surgery one day and the Dr sewed him back up. He said there was stage 4 cancer everywhere, and told him he had less than a year. My uncle had no idea.

You just don't know folks. Don't wait too long!



Senior Member
The good Lord will reward you for taking that old fellow fishing for the last time. Being an old fellow myself I kinda know how thankful that old guy was for your kindness to him. Yep, all fishermen have that last fishing trip and it comes sooner than we want it to in life. Its quite possible at my age that I have been on my last fishing trip as well.

Thank you sir for your wonderful kindness to your fellow man.


Senior Member
I received a Facebook message from a friend that I've known for around 25 years now. She told me that one of her best friends father was in his last days on this earth and had one last dying request. He wanted to goto the lake and catch some fish one last time.

They contacted me wanting to book a guided trip for him. After hearing the circumstances, there was no way I was going to charge them anything. I just wanted to do the best I could to put him on some fish.

They met me at Clarks Hill on Friday morning. This gentleman has gotten down to a mere 80lbs and is very weak. We got him in the boat and started towards some of my brush piles to put him on some crappie. Unfortunately, the boat ride made him very sick even though we just went a short distance.

After about a half hour of just letting him relax , he said he was ready to catch a fish. He asked me to set the hook and let him reel them in as he wasn't strong enough to cast the pole and set the hook.

In just a few minutes he had realed in 3 nice crappie but unfortunately that was all he could muster. His daughter snapped a quick pic of herself, her dad, and her husband and we went back to the ramp.

Even though we didn't get to fish long I was thankful to be able to fulfill his last wish of catching one last fish.

All of our last fish will come some day. Get out as much as you can and enjoy the outdoors. I plan to. View attachment 1303947
Great story! And yes indeed it is true - treat every day as if it was your last day on Earth, because one of these days it will be.


Senior Member
The good Lord will reward you for taking that old fellow fishing for the last time. Being an old fellow myself I kinda know how thankful that old guy was for your kindness to him. Yep, all fishermen have that last fishing trip and it comes sooner than we want it to in life. Its quite possible at my age that I have been on my last fishing trip as well.

Thank you sir for your wonderful kindness to your fellow man.
If you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods, let me know and we'll go! (Lake Russell, Clarks Hill)


Staff member
Well done Brandon. Very well done indeed! :rockon:

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