Recomendations on a Hunting trip needed


Senior Member
My brother and I are looking for somewhere to take a hunting trip out of state. it will be our first trip of this kind and are looking for somewhere that will be a enjoyable experience and not break our bank accounts. I would love to hear of any recomendations and experiences. We are looking for a gun whitetail hunt in Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi,(somewhere within a 8 to 10 Hour Drive) Preferbally under $3500 a person
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Senior Member
Out of State

It all depends on what you want to hunt and what your expectations are as compared to your budget.

Are you looking for a bow hunt or a gun hunt?

Give a little more info and I'm sure that we can give you more advice than you care for!

Good Luck!


Senior Member
be more specific, I've been to texas($4500) and Ohio($600)andcame back both times with trophies. Going to Maine Bear hunting in 07($2000). (this is my total cost for hunts and all)
What's your budget?


GONetwork Member
Fisharama turkyrama coming up there is guides there most of the time.I been hearing alot good things about illinos but its bow and shotgun only i think.Fish on with a gaff in him bout to pull him in the boat.


Senior Member
I would recommend a public land hunt in Ohio. five of us went this year, got four bucks and other guy missed. we stayed in cabin and cooked own meals for a week.
total cost including gas,foodlodging,and licenses was less than $600 each
that's the pic of my Ohio Buck. We did go BOWHUNTING

my avatar right now is my texas buck(hunt cost $3000)
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Senior Member
It all depends on what you want to do. Trophy quality may be better in kansas, ohio, Ill. or other places in the midwest. But a hunt in texas might be more fun because you will see more deer and othen times there are other things to shoot, like hogs, preditors, and ducks. Don't limit your self to driving. I fly to kansas all the time on airtran for $69 each way. I think they have equally low fares to TX. send me a pm if you want specific info on some places i've hunted.


Well Its what you say and do that makes the trip worthwhile . I have had the good fortune to hunt in Ky, MO,KS this past year and the price ranges changes with each state. The hunt that I like the best is to MO I shot a 159 gross and this past year 140 not bad for a five day hunt. call or email this outfitter and talk to him He has been a up front shooter from the frist time that I ever called him. His name is Rob Whitley Phone number is(660)-(341-5914) and his email is ( . Rob is up front and has propertys in KS, and MO will be hunting with him again in 08 and would this year but have to have surgery. Tell him that Paul McIntosh Refered you and he will laugh. price for the tags are 145.00 for either sex deer and 7.00 for doe tags no limit in MO and the state of KS is 324.15 and is on a draw base.state wide doe tag is 74.98 and the unit doe tag is 23.00 dollars. MO hunt runs around 2500.00 and the KS hunt is around the same.

Larry Rooks

Senior Member
My reccomendation would be Ohio. I have hunted up there for five years now and have seen NONE any better.
The Bucks are huge and plenty of them if you'l do your part