The Bible


Senior Member
Man could not have written the Bible if he would, nor would he have written it if he could. If any man questions this statement, let him write a book one billionth as good as the Bible. History does not record a single instance where a critic of the Bible ever tried to improve it.

Good men must have written the bible. The writers claimed to be inspired of God. They either were inspired, or they are liars. If they were lairs, then bad men must have written it, and such is contrary to every known human trait. The Bible condemns all sin, and this no evil man would. Some of the Bible writers recorded their own sins which brought them into disgrace. No man would so expose himself unless divine power moved him so that others might profit. Only a good man would submit to such a revelation of his own life, so good men must have written it. If good men wrote it and said they were moved by the inspiration of God, then the Bible is an inspired book.

gordon 2

Senior Member
Some gods need more support than is true.

The antichrist empires have long tentacles that span the millenniums.

The bible was written by man ( many different people )from many different times.

Banjo I hope you are inspired of God and I have exposed my sins here-- so I guess I'm in good company according to your standards.

Yes the bible was written and edited by inspired people. It is a testament not of inspired people only but of the object of their inspiration and so life from their spiritual lenses. The ground zero that links time past and future together is the God of Abraham.


Senior Member
All man's needs are met by the Bible. This has been true of all ages. Every promise in God's Word has been fulfilled in the lives of men who have met the conditions, so it must be from God who fulfills these promises.

The preservation of the Bible through the ages proves its inspiration. No other book has ever gone through the conflicts such as the Bible has. Whole kingdoms and religions have tried to destroy the Bible, but it has weathered every storm, and it still exists long after its enemies have passed off the scene of action. Voltaire, over one hundred years ago, said, "The Bible in one hundred years will be a thing of the past." Nevertheless, today in the same house where Voltaire lived and made this statement there are thousands of Bibles stacked, and from that house many thousands of Bibles are distributed annually. Most books written a few hundred years ago have been destroyed and forgotten, but the Bible has come down to us from thousands of years and it becomes known more and more the world over as time goes by.

The Heavenly character of its contents proves the Bible to be a revelation from God. The Bible is full of heavenly truths that could never have been known except by revelation.


Senior Member
The response of the soul to the Bible proves its source. The author of the Bible and the creator of the soul are the same person. The Bible is perfectly adapted to the soul. It shows complete acquaintance with the soul. It was made for all parts of man's nature. The law and the epistles are for man's reason, the psalms and gospel for the affections, and the prophecies and revelations of the wonders of God for the imagination. The Bible judges the soul by contradicting its passions, revealing its guilt, and humbling its pride and vanity. No mere human product could or would look down upon and condemn that nature. The Bible meets the deepest needs of the soul by solving its problems and presenting a way out of its slavery to sin and Satan.


Senior Member
The infinite depth and lofty ideals of the Bible prove a divine author. The Bible is inexhaustible and infinite in its coverage of truth, for this life and the one yet to come. Men have found it to be practical in serving every common purpose and meeting every requirement. It is universal in its appeal, reasonable in its teachings, reliable in its promises, durable in its conflicts, everlasting in its usefulness, new and modern in its statements, indispensable to human civilization, indisputable in its authority, interesting in its histories, colorful in its biographies, accurate in its prophecies, individual in its massages, far reaching in its visions, complete in its laws, comprehensive in its knowledge, infinite in its details, unselfish in its purpose, simple in its application, just in its demands, righteous in its judgments, clear in its applications, and masterful in its wisdom.


Senior Member
No activity is ignored in its pages. In matters of government the home in fact in every sphere it is unequaled for wisdom and instruction. Nothing can be added or taken away. It gives instruction to the lawmakers and gives counsel to the magistrate. It cautions the witness, requires and impartial verdict of a jury, and furnishes the judge with the sentence. It tells the wife how to manage the home, and the husband how to rule the household. It instructs in matters of courtship and wedded life. It entails honor to parents and enjoins obedience to children. It prescribes and limits the power of a sovereign and master, and commands subjects and servants to obey. It gives directions for weddings and burials. It promises food and raiment and limits the use of both. It unveils the destiny of the dying and instructs and comforts the bereaved. It defends the rights of all and reveals vengeance to every oppressor.

It is the first book, the best book, and the oldest book in the world. It contains the choicest matter, gives the best instructions, and affords the greatest pleasure and satisfaction that ever was enjoyed. It contains the best laws, the most profound revealed mysteries, that have ever been penned. It exhibits life and immortality and shows the way to glory. It is a recital of all the past and a certain prediction of all that is to come. It settles all matters of debate, makes the wise foolish and the foolish wise, and detects all lies and confutes all errors.


Senior Member
It is the most compendious Book in the world the most authentic and genuine, and the most entertaining that was ever published. It contains the most ancient antiquities, the most strange events, the most wonderful stories of love, biography, history, wars heroic deeds, and infernal worlds, and the origin of the universe, angelic myriads, human tribes, devilish legions, and innumerable living creatures.

It instructs the most accomplished mechanic, politician, scientist, historian, rhetorician, mathematician, and the most learned professional in any subject. It puzzles the wisest critic, corrects the vain philosopher, confutes the wise astrologer, exposes the subtle sophistic, and rebukes the vain and sinful. It is a complete code of laws, a prefect body of divine truth, an unequaled narrative, and the only written revelation of God to man. To understand it is to be wise. To be ignorant of it is to be destitute of divine wisdom.


Senior Member
This is an indisputable proof, for there are hundreds of prophecies spoken centuries before fulfillment which include all human possibility of fulfillment. They are in such infinite detail as to be beyond all human power to predict. There are 333 prophecies fulfilled in the life of Christ. Hundreds have been fulfilled in the rise and fall of nations and numerous other events. There are many now being fulfilled and are yet to be fulfilled. About 3,268 verses of the Bible prophecies of thousands of details have been fulfilled. There are 3,140 verses that are being fulfilled and will yet be fulfilled. Not one detail of any prediction that should have been fulfilled up to 1948 has ever failed. Those that have not been fulfilled will be in due time. Only God foretell such future events, thus proving the Bible to be a revelation of God by inspiration.

According to the law of simple and compound probability, the 333 prophecies of Christ could have only one chance in one and ninety-seven ciphers of fulfillment. Men today who make prediction of events a few days ahead based upon present trend of things do not claim to be more than about 80 per cent correct. Many men can guess like this, but no man can predict things hundreds and thousands of years ahead, as did God, without having one failure of any single detail of prediction. Yet this is true of Bible prophecies. No sane man will dare attempt trying a whole lifetime to do so. So, we can rest assured that the Bible is God's Word.


Senior Member

Hundreds of miracles are recorded in Scripture which only God could have brought about. Millions of men have been healed of diseases and saved from sin through the centuries by obedience to the Word of God. This cannot be said of any other book. Any man today can prove this claim in his own life if he will put the Bible to a test. No man can have any right to unbelief until he has done this.
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Senior Member

Jesus has been proved to be, not only a credible witness, but a messenger from God. In all His teachings He referred to the divine authority of the Old Testament (Mt. 5:17, 18; 8:17; 12:40, 42; Lk. 4:18-21; 10:25-28; 15:29-31; 17:32; 24:25-45; Jn. 5:39-47). He quoted the Old Testament seventy-eight times, the Pentateuch alone twenty-six times. He quoted from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Amos, Jonah, Micah, and Malachi. He referred to the Old Testament as "The Scripture," "the word of God," and "the wisdom of God." The apostles quoted 209 times from the Old Testament and considered it "the oracles of God." The Old Testament in hundreds of places predicted the events of the New Testament and as the New Testament is the fulfillment of and testifies to the genuineness and authenticity of the Old Testament, both Testaments must be considered together as the Word of God.


Senior Member

The Bible claims a supernatural origin. The writers of the Bible were credible witnesses. They possessed actual knowledge of the facts they relate and of the revelations they received from God. They were capable, competent, honest, reliable, and unselfish, and no man has ever been able to discredit one thing they said. Many times, their very lives and worldly interests were imperiled because of their testimony, and no man is going to go through this without being upheld by a higher power.


Senior Member
Over 3,808 times such expressions as "thus saith the Lord," "The Lord spake," "the Word of the Lord came unto me," are found. These writers lied this many times and more if they did not tell the truth. [see point above Good, men must have written the bible] These writers claimed what they wrote was from God (Ex. 20:1; 24:4; 35:1; 2 Sam. 23:2). They claimed that all the Bible was inspired (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21).


Senior Member
This is an interesting topic. When Holy Scripture speaks of Scripture, what does it mean?


Senior Member
The Bible itself claims to be the Word of God (Deut. 8:3; Heb. 4:12). It claims life-giving qualities (Jn. 6:63; 8:31, 32; 1 Pet. 1:23; 2 Pet. 1:4; Mt. 4:4; Ps. 1; Rom. 1:16). Many are its claims along every line, and not once have its enemies disproved one of them. On the other hand, millions of men through the ages have proved its claims when its conditions were met.


Staff member
Got something to prove this…..

It is the first book, the best book, and the oldest book in the world.


Senior Member

The perfection of the Bible proves its inspiration. There never was or never will be another perfect book, which meets so perfectly all the needs of human race, not only in this life but in that which is to come. It claims perfection (Ps. 19:7; Jas. 1:25). Not one flaw has ever been found in the original writings of the authors of the Bible. In fact, the many thousands of copies of the originals are so perfect that they prove the perfection of the originals. No one important omission can be found in comparing all these copies and versions of the Bible. There are over 800,000 different renderings of the Bible, and they all contain the same important truths.


Senior Member

Modern telescopes have disproved every theory on the astronomy of the past, but not one statement in the Bible on astronomy has been disproved. Astronomers admit that such telescopes tell the same story that the Bible does. This discovery has silenced critics of the Bible in this field. The story of creation is in prefect harmony with geology. Geologists of Yale, Princeton, Harvard, and other universities agree to this fact. One says, "creation as given in Genesis is faultless"; and another says, "The more the leaves of the book of the earth are turned, the more they show the Old Book, the Bible is true." Over 250 plants are mentioned in the Old Testament alone. Botanists claim the Bible flawless botanically. Many facts stated about animals, birds, insects, music, law, art, architecture, and many other known subjects of study have all been proved true as man scientifically studies these things. Mysteries of the human body, the soul, the spirit, the things in the natural world, such as rain, water, currents, winds, evaporation, clouds, thunder, lightning, and many other natural phenomena have been recorded in the Bible for thousands of years. Man is just now learning the true facts about these phenomena. In other words, it has taken man many centuries to discover what the Bible has stated for millenniums. Where did the writers of the Bible get this information? Why did they know these things centuries before modern man, since modern man claims to be so far ahead of men in the Bible? The answer is revelation and inspiration.


Senior Member

Man-made histories more than a generation old are full of mistakes and misstatements. not so with the Bible despite its records dating back thousands of years. Hundreds of places spoken of in the Bible have been definitely located by geographers, and explorers. Hundreds of statements in the Bible, which in times past have been held untrue by enemies of the Bible, have recently been proved true by archeologists. The deeper the archeological spade goes, the higher the biblical statements go up.


Senior Member

Books on all above subjects are constantly being discarded because they are out of date. Not so with the Bible. It is always up to date on any of these subjects. It is the book for all ages and peoples, and it is ever new and fresh in its lessons and values to man. Wherever it goes it lifts men up to a higher plane of life. Its doctrines, precepts, promises, and its moral and spiritual tone are the world's greatest inspiration.


Senior Member

The soul of man longs for the truths of God as recorded in the Bible, which meet and satisfy all spiritual needs. The Book is just what one should expect of a heavenly Father to point the way of salvation and provide help in every life struggle. No one question of importance can be asked about man's life here or hereafter but what is fully satisfactorily answered by the Bible. It is a chart of the sea of life. It is the great inspirer and guide in prayer and points the way direct relations with God. Man's soul thus finds what it craves--fellowship with God. It answers the longing for immortality and assures eternal life to all who submit to God. It holds out a future as big as the universe. It must be divine.