This Saturday (July 9): Learn to tie the Rubberlegs stonefly imitation on The Tying Bench!

Steve Hudson

Senior Member
You're hungry, and it's time for dinner. Which would you pick -- a tiny bit of finger food...or a 16-oz. steak?

Stonefly nymphs are the big-and-juicy steaks of the aquatic insect world, and the Rubberlegs stonefly nymph imitation is a great way to imitate them!

This Saturday, you'll learn to tie the Rubberlegs stonefly nymph yourself. We'll focus on key techniques you will need, looking in particular at some tricks to use when it comes to the matter of adding those enticing rubber legs.

I'm confident you'll be able to master the process, and I know that you'll soon be turning out great Rubberlegs stonefly imitations of your own!

I look forward to seeing you this Saturday on The Tying Bench!

Materials List

Hook: Woolly-style hook, 3XL or 4XL, size 6-10. If you're a beginning or intermediate tyer, I suggest size 6 or 8.

Weight: Lead-free wire .015 to .025, suitable for size of hook

Thread: Black, 3/0 or 210 denier. It's a big fly, and you can use big thread! Of course, finer thread can be used as well.

Front/rear appendages (antenna and tail): Silicone or rubber leg material. Superfloss, Flexifloss, or similar type materials also work well; so do many spinnerbait skirt materials.

Body:Chenille, size chosen to suit hook. I like medium for most versions, going slightly smaller on smaller hooks. Good colors are brown, black, or olive, as well as various variegated (brown/black, brown/yellow, etc.) styles.

Legs: More of the same rubber leg material used for appendages.


Date/Time: July 9, 2022 - 10:00 AM Eastern Time
Meeting ID: 849 5369 4377