Who will stand for jesus ??


Senior Member

Franklin Graham: Christians Will Lose the Power to Pray Outside Church Walls ‘Maybe in My Lifetime’

By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor

(CNSNews.com) – Two top evangelical leaders sounded a defiant tone on the eve of National Day of Prayer -- warning that the American right to freedom of religion “is being eroded every day” and may be lost in an onslaught of secularism unless Americans “have the guts to stand up.”

The Rev. Franklin Graham, who last month was officially “dis-invited” by the Army to speak at a National Day of Prayer ceremony at the Pentagon for statements he made about Islam, said he will not back down in preaching the Gospel as he sees it.

“We’re living in a time where we cannot compromise, we cannot back up, we cannot retreat,” Graham said Wednesday during a live Webcast from the Washington, D.C. offices of the Family Research Council.

“The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is to be preached to the ends of the Earth – that’s what He’s called us to do,” he said.

Graham, the honorary chairman of this year’s National Day of Prayer, made his comments in a sermon to an audience of leaders making final preparations for Thursday’s National Day of Prayer.

He alluded to Eastern Europe under communism, where Christians and others were allowed to pray only within their homes or inside the officially sanctioned churches that were allowed by the state.

“I think its coming to this country where we (will) have the freedom to preach inside a church wall, but we will lose the freedom to do it outside. That day will probably come – maybe in my lifetime,” Graham said.

Ironically, it was Graham’s famous father, the Rev. Billy Graham, who, in the 1980s became the first Western preacher allowed by the Soviet government to preach at a Russian church -- helping to open the door to greater religious freedom after 70 years of repression.

“(In the United States) we see everyday our rights being eroded. Just a little at a time, but its happening. Everyday. So let’s preach while we can. Let’s stand up and holler ‘Jesus Christ! King of Kings, Lord of Lords!’to the top of our voice,” the younger Graham said.

“The secularists are going to get ticked off, the news media’s going to hate it. I don’t know, maybe the people in the White House are going to be mad. But you know what, I don’t care. Because God has called us to take the Gospel -- His Gospel, the power of God and His Salvation -- unto the ends of the Earth.”

Graham was joined by James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, and Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr., who is leading efforts to stop and force a referendum on recent action by the Washington, D.C., city council creating homosexual marriage in the nation's capital.

Dobson, who praised Graham as a "model" for the restrained way he responded to a recent ruling by a federal judge in Madison, Wis., outlawing the statute creating the National Day of Prayer, said the right to publicly proclaim the Christian Gospel was one of the chief freedoms enshrined in the Constitution by the Founding Fathers.

“I am convinced that there are people in high places, people with a great deal of authority and influence, who want to eliminate every vestige of religion -- especially Christian religion, or evangelical religion – from the public square. They want to expunge it. They want to get rid of it. They want to take away our right to worship and to have a prayer service in a government building. That’s not unconstitutional!” Dobson said.

Dobson said 33 of 44 U.S. presidents have called for a National Day of Prayer.

“This has been our history. We dare not lose it now,” Dobson exclaimed. “And we will, if we don’t have the guts to stand up with that kind of intensity.”

Dobson, whose wife Shirley serves as chairman of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, recounted a case in Santa Rosa County, Fla. -- near Pensacola -- involving a high school principal and athletic director at an off-campus event who prayed at an off-campus meeting.

“Prior to the meeting, one of them said to the other, ‘Why don’t you say a word of prayer from wisdom and what we’re about to do?’ And he said a 16-second prayer. It was a prayer for their food! Sixteen seconds! It was reported and a judge in Northern Florida hauled them into court, harangued them for eight hours in one day, and threatened to put them in prison for six months,” Dobson said.

Dobson said the judge did not back off until members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus took up the cause.

Last September, after a day-long court hearing, U.S. District Judge M. Case Rodgers in Pensacola ruled that Pace High School Principal Frank Lay and Athletic Director Robert Freeman had not violated a 2008 court order banning school employees from praying publicly "at any time or at any place" in the Florida school district.

Lay had asked Freeman to pray at the dedication of a field house held during school hours, but conducted on the property of a nearby church.

The men had faced up to six months in jail and $5,000 in fines each for violating the order, which the same judge had issued as a result of a 2008 lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union on bahalf of two anonymous students at the high school.

The judge held that the violation of the order had been "spontaneous" -- and not voluntary.

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
If this country is made up of over 70 percent Christians, why aren't they using their Christian convictions when they vote????

God is probably wondering when His church is going to become convicted politically, rather than just sitting around gripping.


Senior Member
Thank THE LORD for men like Brother Graham,and Brother Dobson.We as Christians,need to quit sitting on our hands,and stand on our feet.We should lift our voices in Prayer first,and then in any area where our voice needs to be heard.If we fail in this,we will suffer for our idleness.


Senior Member
They will never stand against the gooberment. The church is yoked by the gooberment. If they stand against it they will loose their non-profit and what church is willing to give up money for Jesus? None that I can find.

Double Barrel BB

Senior Member
If this country is made up of over 70 percent Christians, why aren't they using their Christian convictions when they vote????

God is probably wondering when His church is going to become convicted politically, rather than just sitting around gripping.

Just because people call themselves Christians, it doesn't make them Christians

They have to walk the walk, not just talk the talk...



Senior Member
Just my opinion but, I don't think a person can vote for a democrat and not sacrifice his soul. the democrat platform is all about everything Ungodly. in every situation stop and think, WWJD?


Senior Member
We as christians have to be instant in season and out of season. We can never compromise the truth, NEVER. This is a Christian nation, or it should be. It was founded on the Christian and Jewish believes.

Over the years we have let the word freedom mean more than it should. We say that our forefather fought for the freedom to worship as we please. My forefathers fought but they did not fight for Islam or any other religion that has made it known that they want to kill me just because I am a Christian.

Until we as Christians stand up for what we believe, preach it in the pulpits, teach it in the classes, on street corners, in the homes, in the newspapers, at the polls etc. we will be fighting a loosing battle.

The problem is we have lost our faith in God. God is still in charge and we should act like we believe it.

For the most part we are spinless, panty waisted Christians, waiting for someone else to do what we just dream about doing.

Its time we start speaking out, forget being politically correct.

Look at our Surpreme Justice', they all claim to be Christians but most of them stand against most things that is Christians.

The question is, what are we willing to do?

What will we do?

When will we do it?

At what cost will we do it?

In my opionion our Government is a sham, it has an agenda, Obama has a goal and so far he is doing a good job reaching that goal.

Getting involved with politics in not necessarly the answer but I believe with all my hear that


And for as you atheist and doubters, keep your hind ends out of my way, I am tired of trying to deal with you, nothing I say to you is doing any good, its just making me angry. And I think God is happy that I am finally angry with people turning their backs on him, especially a whole country.

May God be with us all, we are going to need it/


Daily Bible Verse Organizer
“I think its coming to this country where we (will) have the freedom to preach inside a church wall, but we will lose the freedom to do it outside. That day will probably come – maybe in my lifetime,” Graham said.

If that ever happens, many will become criminals. At least, I hope so. That could be fun though, when you see earthquakes happening and God opening the prison doors for His servants.


Senior Member
If that ever happens, many will become criminals. At least, I hope so. That could be fun though, when you see earthquakes happening and God opening the prison doors for His servants.

I hope they have enough Prisons for all of us.
He he he


Senior Member
Just my opinion but, I don't think a person can vote for a democrat and not sacrifice his soul. the democrat platform is all about everything Ungodly. in every situation stop and think, WWJD?

True and why aren't pastors telling their congregation this?


Senior Member
I have not heard of any saying it. And certainly not the ones on TV.

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
True and why aren't pastors telling their congregation this?

It's much more that that Randy.
A Christian can NEVER vote for a politician that is in favor of abortion. Not for any reason.


Senior Member
My preacher (former marine) has a glock bumper sticker on his truck.:D


Senior Member
It's much more that that Randy.
A Christian can NEVER vote for a politician that is in favor of abortion. Not for any reason.

I agree Ronnie. But you know some Christians have to be told by their pastor what to do. Some Christians especially the youngs ones need leadership.