I'm Curious...


Staff member
What time do y'all usually eat supper? I grew up on a farm and got used to eating late (after dark,) so it's usually somewhere from 7-9 here. I never figured out the folks that eat supper at 5. I'd have to make 2nd supper before bedtime. :)


Staff member
7-8 pm here.


Senior Member
When my Bride gets hungry..Back when kids were with us and I worked, I would make dinner or Supper which ever title you give it. When I got home, I do all the cooking since then and I decided to do it to survive..If the Bride cooks sad to say it's not fit to eat....How bad is her cooking? I'm glad you asked! Imagine your sleeping and at 01:30 you are woke up, with an explosion in the house...You go down stairs and their is smoke coming from the kitchen.. As you are still foggy from sleeping you see shrapnell, egg shells in the ceiling, cabinets, fridge and windows...Yep she left eggs in the pot boiling until they exploded..She was raised in a family where the father was a King and made all the 6 kids dependent on him..His wife did not teach any of them how to cook, In fact one time when I went over for their Sunday dinner and she was cooking,,,,I offered to help, you would think I set off a bomb at the way I was told NOOOOO! Sad to say now that I look back at it, she was his slave... I fell in love with my bride and took her The TAR out of there! Her father was all about control he was god in his own mind..The day I asked for her hand in Marriage, started the day he hated me...The lord blessed me and her to get her out of there..I have never met such a hateful human being...That was 47 years ago....Sorry for the rant, I taught my son how to cook starting at 4yrs old at hunting camp. He teaches me now when he comes home to visit..I have been blessed to be rewarded with such a fine Son..
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Senior Member
we're done with the dishwasher running by 7-7:30......

Capt Quirk

Senior Member
When we get hungry, around 6ish. But, the wife gets home around 7:30, three nights a week, so that is when I fix dinner.

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
When my Bride gets hungry..Back when kids were with us and I worked, I would make dinner or Supper which ever title you give it. When I got home, I do all the cooking since then and I decided to do it to survive..If the Bride cooks sad to say it's not fit to eat....How bad is her cooking? I'm glad you asked! Imagine your sleeping and at 01:30 you are woke up, with an explosion in the house...You go down stairs and their is smoke coming from the kitchen.. As you are still foggy from sleeping you see shrapnell, egg shells in the ceiling, cabinets, fridge and windows...Yep she left eggs in the pot boiling until they exploded..She was raised in a family where the father was a King and made all the 6 kids dependent on him..His wife did not teach any of them how to cook, In fact one time when I went over for their Sunday dinner and she was cooking,,,,I offered to help, you would think I set off a bomb at the way I was told NOOOOO! Sad to say now that I look back at it, she was his slave... I fell in love with my bride and took her The **** out of there! Her father was all about control he was god in his own mind..The day I asked for her hand in Marriage, started the day he hated me...The lord blessed me and her to get her out of there..I have never met such a hateful human being...That was 47 years ago....Sorry for the rant, I taught my son how to cook starting at 4yrs old at hunting camp. He teaches me now when he comes home to visit..I have been blessed to be rewarded with such a fine Son..
I did that when me and H22 first got married. We were just talking about that tonight. MAma did everything for us. I didn't know how to do anything. She loved us.


Staff member
A little after black dark. About the time you get out of the woods, or off the water, or get done with work for the day.
That's me all the way. I love the deal when you're at deer camp, and all the folks who hang out but don't hunt, gripe because supper is late after you hunt til dark, drag a deer out, and skin and quarter it. But they don't cook it.


Senior Member
We eat around 6:30-7:00. Usually start cooking when we get home bout 5:45-6:00. I’m in bed by 8:30-9:00 every night.