10/29 am

slow motion

Senior Member
Good luck folks. Should be a good day. Was supposed to be in Illinois but between physical therapy twice a week and an overload of work can't leave until Thursday. Gonna get to watch the Dawgs play at least.


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
OTG, under a small tree near Duncan, OK, wheat field to my north, woods to my south. 48 degrees, and light rain that supposed to let up right at daylight. They gotta go right by me. Last weekend of ML here. Doe or buck....somebody's taking a ride in my truck today.


Senior Member
Bout to slip in on a permission piece in Haralson county. Haven’t been on the property since turkey season. Not a whole lot of deer on it per running cams last year, but you never know. Gonna sit a hardwood draw for an hour or two then slip around and scout for deer/ trespassers (found a stand during turkey season that looked to be placed since the current owner bought the property). Have a cell cam with me to put out if I see anything worth it.