Anybody want to talk diet and excercise?


Senior Member

Probably start Monday, Today I have to eat my peas with a glob of mayo, my greens with splash of Habanero Sauce, and my BACK BONES with what ever all that good stuff is its floating in. Then this weekend I can finish off all leftover holiday treats & meats, Then I'll make a plan.

Hooked On Quack

You have to truly want it. You also have to have determination.

Okay excuse #1, it's alot harder on folks that work a swing shift and cannot maintain a constant schedule.

I really do want to lose weight, I've gotten where I can't stand myself.

Animal House quote: "Fat, ignorant, and drunk is no way to go thru life".

I can handle the drunk and ignorant part....:bounce:


Gone But Not Forgotten
as a back up plan, simply go to a store and buy pants n shirts 2 sizes larger than you are now. when you wear 'em, they'll be all baggy, and yer friends will ask...'you been losin' weight?'. works everytime!


Senior Member
Your average entree at a big chain eatery [ Chili's - Applebees - Red Lobster - etc ] has enough food for at least 2 meals. Either split one with the wife or take 1/2 home if possible.

It's no wonder so many people are FAT. Eat an appetizer that could suffice for a whole meal; eat the entire entree; some super rich dessert; plus 2 or 3 huge glasses of sweet tea or Coke to wash it all down. Blam - 250 to 300 lbs. Dead at 50.
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Senior Member
as a back up plan, simply go to a store and buy pants n shirts 2 sizes larger than you are now. when you wear 'em, they'll be all baggy, and yer friends will ask...'you been losin' weight?'. works everytime!

That is just wrong Steve but funny as heck..... :bounce:

My plan has been to start on 1/2/10 dropping pounds. Right now i'm 280 and my knees are killing me at 43yrs young! Great blood pressure always and take no meds. My thought is to start walking more/hiking. When out to dinner where i would normally order anything off the menu i will pick and choose thinking what would be tasty and healthy. Cut the breads out which i do love. I am the type of guy that drinks 5-8 glasses of D coke a meal. They say not to drink d soda but it's 99% water. Why?? Now the other part to this is grocery shopping and my love of cooking. It's hard to make my "southern taste buds" happy cooking with no butter, oil, bread ect..! I have lost 40-50 pounds before and it is hard to do. Sounds easy to people that are normal weight but to us heavy types.....HELLL I wish all the best of luck to everyone and lets keep this post going! S

Jeff Phillips

Senior Member
I do pretty good on what I eat when I am not travelling. Portion control and exercise is the key to my issue.

Eating/excercising on the road can be tough and I travel about 40 weeks per year, most trips are 3 days.

I lost 50# on Atkins about 6 years ago and have put 40 of it back on. I know low carb works so I am following South Beach. It is low carb, but adds healthy carbs back in as you go. Gave up the sodas and sweet tea years ago, all I drink is lots of coffee and not enough water.

I am planning to make lifestyle changes and drag my wife and son along with me!

Elfie's comment on karate got me thinking. My son and I were taking Tae Kwon Do until we moved 3 1/2 years ago. Lots of stretching improved my flexibility. May see if I can get Tater Tot going with me again.


pretty much what wrangler said..

i cut soft drinks completely.. another trainer told me to cut sweet tea too but i told him thats a good way for him to die. i ain't givin up my tea for nothing and nobody. :smash:

keep fried foods to an absolute minimum. some will tell you to cut them completely but its just not realistic.

get a george foreman, and grill everything.

if you want a burger, buffalo is good but turkey burgers are cheaper. (and pretty tasty with some cracker girl)

wheat/ whole grain/ multigrain breads and cereals.

the old rule of thumb was 8glasses of water a day, but its really about half your weight in oz. ie: if you weigh 250lb you should be drinking 125oz.

and as much as i despise the fact.. if you work out in the morning you'll continue burning calories on into the day. Whereas if you work out at night (like i prefer to) it can keep you up later and disrupt your sleep. *as we all know from my facebook updates* :bounce:

and as always if you're getting into walking or running i TOTALLY recommend the Nike+ system. it keeps up with your workouts, the distance, time, pace, and calories burned.

good luck Jeff! :cheers:

Back up off my sweet tea:whip: Plus a few of those classes have been at 9:30AM and I was so proud that you went while I slept :D


Senior Member

Well, I weigh in now at 252. That is the most I have ever weighed. Now to get motivated enough to lose it.Would love to get back down to 200.


Senior Member
I could sure stand to lose about 50lb or so. Six feet and 250lbs, not good. Beer and the evening meal (can't/won't control portion size). I walk a mile or so at work mon thru friday but don't do much else on the weekends except for chores. As I type this I'm thinking about getting up and getting a beer.:(

Crooked Stick

Senior Member
I'm with you Jeff!

I got about 75 to go. Still eat like I did when I worked out all the time. Doc gave me the speech last week, blood pressure too high, very high risk for diabetes, and high risk for heart problems later. I start Monday!
Good luck!


Senior Member
the tough lone travel

I had to rehab, the last six months, a little older with much less top weight to lose.

It takes drive. If it was easy, everyone would be fit and in shape. It's not losing weight; it's changing what you love to eat and in quantities.

It is the lone road of stop shoveling in all that food to maintain a higher weight. The weight training can become boring and repetitive. The mile plus walks of exercise; a mile plus walk today in a windy, cold, but early sunny afternoon day. Less than 5 people seen on the hike. I've seen those who went by the wayside. Got to see all that.

Many weren't there see the antlered deer, cross the path thirty yards away. Many had other things to do today.


Senior Member
I'm 20lbs heavier now then I was 7 mths ago. I need to lose about 40 lbs to feel good about it. I usually start droppin it once spring gets here which I did last year down 13 lbs in June. I've pick that and 7 more on since.


Senior Member
Im waiting for my Gym coupons that come with the Walton County 2010 calendar. :D
I eat pretty well its just tooooo cold to go outside and not get paid for it :bounce:

Winter weather stinks.


i am not trying to scare anybody, but here goes. a while back i was married to a ga girl, and she divorced me. i was so mad that all i did was stop eating and go to the gym every day because i was so upset. well i went from 300 lbs down to 198 in 4 months. i had a doctor tell me that what i did was very dangerous, but i survived, lol. happy new year.

Jeff Phillips

Senior Member
I think I'll keep my bride and lose weight the hard way:D


Senior Member
Guys, I'm with ya on the diet. I lost close to 40# last year. I still have 30# to reach my goal. I started with Weight Watchers and it got me going pretty good. I love my chocolate but cut out completely for the 1st 9 months. Then I decided I could have some if I wanted it...I don't really care for it anymore. Hooray!

I'll join the diet with y'all for 5 of 7 days a week. On the weekends at the camp, I eat and drink more.


Senior Member
I'm at 155#'s and plan on hitting fried foods, breakfast meats and cokes pretty hard in 2010!


Staff member
Jeff, I travel alot like you and its tough keeping a routine on the road.

I did find one that worked for me and am going back on it to lose about 50 lbs I should never have put on.

In addition to down sizing portions and eating sensibly I do the 10,000 steps program. I wear the pedometer on my belt at work and head out to walk enough to finish my 10,000 steps after work. Many days I walk around at work enough to have a considerably shorter walk. My heals wont tolerate running anymore.

This works on the road as you can walk at the malls if nothing else. I like to walk around and explore when on the road anyways.

Once you get your weight down you can cut back the number of days to maintain your weight.