Anybody want to talk diet and excercise?



Okay excuse #1, it's alot harder on folks that work a swing shift and cannot maintain a constant schedule.

I really do want to lose weight, I've gotten where I can't stand myself.

Animal House quote: "Fat, ignorant, and drunk is no way to go thru life".

I can handle the drunk and ignorant part....:bounce:

Sorry friend, but that is just that, an excuse. Drive home in the mornings, walk the property line. Take a can of spray paint and drive down the road and mark 1/2 and mile points and then walk them every moring. I work night shift I am calling bull on your excuse

Jeff, I travel alot like you and its tough keeping a routine on the road.

I did find one that worked for me and am going back on it to lose about 50 lbs I should never have put on.

In addition to down sizing portions and eating sensibly I do the 10,000 steps program. I wear the pedometer on my belt at work and head out to walk enough to finish my 10,000 steps after work. Many days I walk around at work enough to have a considerably shorter walk. My heals wont tolerate running anymore.

This works on the road as you can walk at the malls if nothing else. I like to walk around and explore when on the road anyways.

Once you get your weight down you can cut back the number of days to maintain your weight.

10,000 steps a day is great, walk as soon as to waking up as you can. If traveling, lots of hotels have fitness rooms with treadmills.

I agree with others, cut out the fried food, eat wheat and whole grain bread, eat smaller portions and most not wait til you are hungry to eat. Eat 5 or 6 small meals a day if you can.

Lastly, we all need to eat what we want. I have what is called "Fatboy Friday". On Fridays I eat what I want and as much as I want. You will over time even these portions become smaller.

Good luck everyone, I am no pro, but I made my goal of from 217 to 190 not long ago.


Senior Member
I got about 75 to go. Still eat like I did when I worked out all the time. Doc gave me the speech last week, blood pressure too high, very high risk for diabetes, and high risk for heart problems later. I start Monday!
Good luck!

Your avatar tells the whole story.


Senior Member
I'm at 155#'s and plan on hitting fried foods, breakfast meats and cokes pretty hard in 2010!

I was the same way for nearly 50 years. Then a debilitating injury results in going up 2 pant waist sizes in 2 years due to 25 lbs around the middle. Skinny people get spoiled by being able to eat lots with no consequences. When something happens it's a real shock whereas tubby people know they are messing up when they overeat. It doesn't make it any easier for them to confront the problem, it's just more of a shock for a skinny person to have to start thinking about portion control, sweet drinks, dessert, etc.


My wife and I started 2 months ago and so far she has lost 9 pounds and I have lost about 8 pounds. We walk 1 mile per day about 4 days a week and have changed our diet 100%. Instead of dieting we are aiming for a life style change this includes: no saturated fats or trans fats, eating out of the American Heart association cook book only and no going out to eat except for subway occasionally. In the AM we eat a lot of fiber (oat meal, cereal with skim milk) and when tempted to snack we only have fresh fruit in the house now. Oh no sugar, tea, sodas, etc.

Crooked Stick

Senior Member
Your avatar tells the whole story.

Not sure what you mean but yeah I know I have gained weight but I will get it off. Want to get back to my playing weight! Hope your injury wasn't too serious. Good luck with your challenge


Senior Member


Senior Member
Any of you that are really serious should go to or a bookstore and get "The Abs Diet" by David Zinczienco (I think that is the right spelling of the last name). Has nothing to do with abs, but that is what it is called. I guarantee you will lose the weight you need to with the plan and eat 5-6 times a day. No counting calories or eating cardboard required.


Senior Member
To get to the point. Don't eat,- and exercise. Eat tuna and salad. After wrestling for 8 years I've learned the limits to the human body I'd say. Weight loss is nothing but a mental game. Cut out ALL sweets and drink tons of water. It also helps to think of your body as a piece of equipment, you don't want to be pouring bad fuel (soda) in your body but clean fuel (water). Exercising is a huge part of losing weight. To sum things up, if you burn more colories than you intake, you'll lose weight. Good luck! Dont waste money on books, the way I see it, the time you spend reading it is time you could be running!


Senior Member
to add another, when you shop for your groceries. Only purchase items that are on the perimeter of the store. Hence. Greens,dairy,meat,fruit. The inside of the store is mostly junk!


Senior Member
to add another, when you shop for your groceries. Only purchase items that are on the perimeter of the store. Hence. Greens,dairy,meat,fruit. The inside of the store is mostly junk!

This is so true! I'm also a food addict. I used to be a bit overwiegh (not much, but a little)- even not drinking soda and such- but I still ate too much. I found that if I only bring healthy food in my house, and limit myself to one meal at a restaruant a week, as well as a little exercise, you can't keep excess weight on. If I bring junk food in the house, I bing all the time.

Learn what your weakness is and work around it.

I'm 198 in the pic above at 5 11- I'm down to 192 and have nothing left to lose but muscle.


Senior Member
This is so true! I'm also a food addict. I used to be a bit overwiegh (not much, but a little)- even not drinking soda and such- but I still ate too much. I found that if I only bring healthy food in my house, and limit myself to one meal at a restaruant a week, as well as a little exercise, you can't keep excess weight on. If I bring junk food in the house, I bing all the time.

Learn what your weakness is and work around it.

I'm 198 in the pic above at 5 11- I'm down to 192 and have nothing left to lose but muscle.
Just avoid all that an eat mo possum. :bounce:


GONetwork Member
I'm in ..... again. 3 years ago I went from 255 down to 178 and as of this morning back up to 221. I'm going to start walking again and cut out the breads and sweets. The secret for me the first time was walking, I got a pedometer and was determined to get my 10000 steps a day. The hardest step for me to take is the first one.
Good luck to all.
yeah im in new years resolution (for about the 10th year in a row) is to be happy with myself physically and i think that in order to get to that point i need to lose around 25-35 lbs depending on how heavily i hit the weights.

i currently eat somewhat healthy(i still have a long way to go) but my body has gotten used to my diet and exercise levels so its hard to drop weight (currently at about 6' and 235 or so) but as soon as walmart gets them back in stock im buying a treadmill and getting on it, im also going to start lifting again 2-3 times a week to start rebuilding some of the muscle mass i have lost in the 4 years since high school. hopefully i can find the drive to become a workout nut so i can eat whatever i want again ;)

some tips i have found that actually work for me (which have been really hard because i LOVE good food) is stop buying junk first of all, if its not in the house you cant eat it, if you want a filling meal with minimal calories check out the "low fat" or whatever its called chunky cambles soups, they have from 200-350 or so calories per can and they are usually enough to fill even my considerable appetite:rolleyes:. another thing i started doing was only making sweet tea for the house if company was coming over, now i still get it if i go out but not going through a gallon every two days has definitely helped. Also, i know its hard but we gotta limit the beer intake, even the light stuff has about 100 calories per can.

good luck to everyone and lets keep each other going on this, we all have a big network of friends on here that are dealing with the same issues and hardships that we are so why not continue to encourage each other!?! :fine:


Senior Member
Google Thrive Diet.....

It's a diet developed by insurance guy here in Rome - it's growing like crazy in North GA and if the guy had any sense he would have it across the country by now. Only diet that I've ever seen that is truly sound nutritionally. High fiber, high lean protein, and high in fibrous carbs. Does not have the side effects of Atkins and some others. I went from 238 to 198 in 4 months in fall 2008. Got lazy the last 1/2 of 2009 and I'm back up to 227 but about to get back on it again hard and goal is to get below 210 - it was crazy hard to get to 198 for me with my back - could not exercise hard enough to get below 200 and stay there. Single digit 200's is a comfortable and safe place for me.

Call the guys at Thrive in Rome and they can help you get set up - might even be a Thrive meeting location near you. I hijacked the plan from a member but I also am surrounded by many, many people in Rome that could help me with the diet and my nutrition background helped understand things. It will be the best thing you can ever do is get on this nutritional plan - it's not really a diet. If you like peanut butter you'll love Thrive.


Senior Member
I have followed this guy's advice on nutrition for a couple of years. Its kind of long to go through because there's six parts. If you have the time to watch it then you will become very very educated in nutrition and how you can tailor your diet to suit your goals. It explains things quite in depth and will certainly produce results. Well worth the time to watch it if you're serious about your goals.

Good luck!

Jeff Phillips

Senior Member
I lost 12# the 1st week:cheers:

Missed a couple of days on the treadmill (too cold to go out), but walked briskly for 20 minutes 5 days, light lifting 4 days, heavy lifting 2 days.

I'll be surprised if I lose 1/2 of that this week. The sneak attack is over:p

I have been basically doing Atkins Induction Phase. I will continue with it for another week then switch to South Beach.

12 down 48 to go!


Senior Member
Been said by many others already. But portion control and counting total carbs and learning to read lables and learning which carbs are better than others is best proven way to a real lifestyle change. Along with a regular excercise plan, even if it involves only a lot of walking.

The American Diabetes Assoc. website has all the details you need. Now if only I could discipline myself to heed my own advice... :cry:

South Man

Senior Member
I am with you 220 now and nned to get at 170-180! Lots of water and less sweets -more exercise!

raggedy ann

Senior Member
I, too, need to get it together. I had been losing until the fall. I was getting lots of exercise this summer working on new land I bought..clearing, exploring, etc. Also, I was doing Wii fit. I really liked it. I vow to start doing Wii Fit again at least 4 days a week. I will include vegetable(s) and fruit(s) in my diet, and drink water. I'm also 51 and have seen a few friends die from heart and other health related problems. My grandmother lived until 104 drinking martinis and smoking Lucky Strikes. I don't think I'm up for that, though!!

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