Anyone watch Tred Barta?


Senior Member
Saw this guy for the first time last night on OLN. Havn't seen anyone like him on Tv before. Uses a long bow with homemade arrows. An extremely opinionated guy; I got a kick out of listening to him.

He made 34 stalks on Mule Deer does, Shot 15 times, missed 13, gut shot one and lost it, and finally made a good shot on one bedded down. I think his guide gave up after the first few stalks and let him go at it with his son.


Senior Member
What about the stalk on 4 deer that ended up being rocks? :D

I get a kick outa him. :)

Just 1 More

Senior Member
I have had the pleasure of Speaking with Mr Barta and have a signed copy of his book. He is definitly an opinionated person and what you would call a "Man's Man". He has a lot of ethics and morals and speaks his mind about them. A first class man in my opinion. :clap:


Senior Member
Yep! I watched him last night also. He really had to work for that mule deer doe. But he was persistant.


Senior Member
Shot 15 and missed thirteen? Maybe he needs to find a weapon he can actually use.


Senior Member
frankwright said:
Shot 15 and missed thirteen? Maybe he needs to find a weapon he can actually use.

yeah, he might be moral but sounds like he's a rotten shot! of course, i'd probably have the same luck with a longbow.

i get a kick out of roger raglin. i own a number of his DVD's. he's a colorful character and he gets so excited after shooting a deer you'd think it was the first deer he'd ever seen. love his patented tag line, "jiminy christmas!" check him out if you've never seen him.


Senior Member
frankwright said:
Shot 15 and missed thirteen? Maybe he needs to find a weapon he can actually use.
So maybe he's a better fisherman than hunter. I saw two more of his shows, both catching Yellowfin Tuna. He seemed more of a seasoned fisherman than a hunter after watching him do both.

He's fun and entertaining to watch, nobody quite like him i've seen. I always like when they show the misses and bloopers on outdoor shows; this guy does that and doesn't mind saying what's on his mind too.


Senior Member
if you think he is crazy hunting you should see him tuna fishing. it was on 2 nights ago. that guy is hilarious but i don't quite think i'd want him in camp w/ me. he is definitely opinionated too, but hey. at least he shows the screw ups as well as the good stuff. its more realistic


Senior Member
Can't stand him. As far as moral and ethical, moral I can not say, I do not know the man, but ethical????????? 15 shots, 13 misses, 1 gut shot and that is ethical. If an individual uses a weapon he is not proficient with, that is unethical.

He gives bowhunters a black eye by living up to the sterotype portrayed by anti-hunters, that we all just fling arrows around the woods and wound deer.


Senior Member
I thought and still think this guy is an idiot, but he does know his fishing. I've seen two of the fishing shows and they were good.

I haven't been able to catch the hunting yet, but 2 out of 15 doesn't sound like something that should be shown on tv.

I did like it when he beat the tuna over the head with the bat and said "how's that for reality television" :bounce:


mpowell said:
yeah, he might be moral but sounds like he's a rotten shot! of course, i'd probably have the same luck with a longbow.

i get a kick out of roger raglin. i own a number of his DVD's. he's a colorful character and he gets so excited after shooting a deer you'd think it was the first deer he'd ever seen. love his patented tag line, "jiminy christmas!" check him out if you've never seen him.

Raglin is hilarious! and Ive never seen so much excitement from one you said, you would think that every one he has taken was his very first :shoot: :fine:

I love the jiminy christmas line too :cool:



I am with reylamb on this one. Anyone missing 13 of 13 shots should be ashamed of devalueing game so much that the risk of a poor shot is of no concern to him.
This is a horrid example of sportsmanship.
I hope he does not engender a popular following.


I saw 5 minutes of 1 show and changed it he was a clown talked bad to his camera man and was just talikin trash about everything like yall say he is definately different just not for me.


Senior Member
Where he made the mistake was that he freely admit that he only practiced out to 20 yards, never more than that because he said he had taken more than 60 big game animals with his long bow at 20 yards or less. So he didn't need to practice further than that.

Well in the show when he missed the mule deer 13 times he stated he was shooting 40-60 yds. Why would he take a shot that he knew was much further than he could shoot, and then to make it worse, much worse he did it over and over and over again. I could see why his guide gave up early.

He is entertaining, and the show is unique. Could use some work in the ethics department though.
I can't stand his accent or his attitude. I lived in New Jersey for 3 years and I feel I'm able to say so.


Senior Member
Last sunday he arrowed a 6X5 elk with that longbow and centerpunched him. Only shot once the whole show.

I like him. I think he has fun and doesn't mind showing the miscues and mistakes.

There may be one, but I don't know a bowhunter that has never missed or made a bad shot. Gunhunters for that matter as well. :flag:


Senior Member
I saw that show too. It was a good one, and yes no misses!


Senior Member
Gadget said:
Where he made the mistake was that he freely admit that he only practiced out to 20 yards, never more than that because he said he had taken more than 60 big game animals with his long bow at 20 yards or less. So he didn't need to practice further than that.

Well in the show when he missed the mule deer 13 times he stated he was shooting 40-60 yds. Why would he take a shot that he knew was much further than he could shoot, and then to make it worse, much worse he did it over and over and over again. I could see why his guide gave up early.

He is entertaining, and the show is unique. Could use some work in the ethics department though.

If I remember correctly, the guide made him take some shots at some brush he thought was 20 yards away. He missed them and then the guide told him that he was taking 40-60 yard shots (that's how far the brush was from them)....sounds like a big problem is he can't judge distance....maybe he should invest in a range finder.

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