Cure for Demons, Medicine or Prayer?


Senior Member
I am here for the same reason you are here. Civil conversations about beliefs. They turn into thrusts and jabs when one side decides to take it there. I am trying to figure out how an individual can explain the unexplainable. How can a person know what God wants when we are continually told we cannot understand God? How can one person understand him better than another without ever actually talking to him?
Insulting is being told I am going to burn if I do not believe a certain way. Because clearly of all the worlds religions and all the worlds beliefs it is either the Christian way or no way. Believe or Burn. Very Open Minded indeed.

Do you really want the answers to those questions? If you do I'll tell you what I believe, but I would appreciate you not coming back with a you can see by my wisecrack about the asbestos suit, it doesn't feel so good to constantly berate someone for what they do or do not believe. You can do it but I can't????? answer that.


Of the hard cast variety
Maybe you should start a little higher up than us. Just pretend for a moment that it's possible that God is real, I mean no body can really prove that either way, can they?
So just pretend God is real and ask Him to reveal Himself to you, and even if you've done it before, do it again. Just use your imagination.

Did for @20 years. Have more than a bunch since. I do not have to pretend God is real unless that is the key to it all. Nobody can prove a negative. We can only prove things that are positive and actually exist. There are many things that are imaginary and the reason they are imaginary is because they do not exist. For the first 20 years of my life I have thought as many Christians do. I didn't dare question anything religious. I went through life with blinders on. A few bad experiences with organized religion got me thinking in another direction and since then that direction is more real and makes more sense to me than everything I was taught before that. I stopped pretending 20 years ago.


Of the hard cast variety
Do you really want the answers to those questions? If you do I'll tell you what I believe, but I would appreciate you not coming back with a you can see by my wisecrack about the asbestos suit, it doesn't feel so good to constantly berate someone for what they do or do not believe. You can do it but I can't????? answer that.

I have never told you that you are wrong. I keep asking questions. I answer yours with scenarios that makes sense and yes they do counter yours. I think you mistake my honesty with wisecracks.


Senior Member
I am here for the same reason you are here. Civil conversations about beliefs. They turn into thrusts and jabs when one side decides to take it there. I am trying to figure out how an individual can explain the unexplainable. My belief is that it cannot be explained on a human level. I can understand it by studying God's word, listening to bible teachers, I understand it in my heart and mind and can explain some things to other believers. But I cannot convince an unbeliever there is a God in human terms, any more than an unbeliever can convince me there is no God. How can a person know what God wants when we are continually told we cannot understand God? How can one person understand him better than another without ever actually talking to him? Who continually tells you that you cannot understand God? I cannot explain all of God's ways. Even the Bible tells us that it is impossible.

Neither you nor I can prove whether God exists or not. You can't prove it to me that He doesn't, since I've met the Holy Spirit, which I used to call my spiritual guide.
And I can't prove it to you that He does, especially if you are closed to even the possibility. But you cannot prove He doesn't exist. The same way I cannot prove that evolution is only a theory. Which by that way I'm not totally positive on evolution either way. I'm open on that. I also believe in divine creation. It's not something that matters enough to me to debate it....I'm too busy trying to work on myself and my 'sins', trying to hit the mark.

I've always kept the word of God simple, my father had lots of emotional problems throughout the years trying to figure out too many things, including a lot of doctrines that divide the churchs up into 'denominations'.

I left the church for 30 yrs and if you don't believe in demons, if you knew me then, you'd know I was 'demon
possessed'....for lack of a better way to explain it.

I have been and still do get angry at God for even letting me go down that path. I went from being totally straight at age 23, to doing every drug on earth in just one year. The 'devil' walked into my life and I ran off with him. It was downhill from there for 23 more years.

And out of the clear blue God snatched me back....He says in His word that nothing will snatch you out of the palm of His hand. I was saved and baptized at 12 and even though I didn't realize it then, I thought I was totally lost and hidden from God. He left the 90 and 9 sheep and came and got His lost lamb, that only thought she was lost, God always knew where she was. His word says that.

When that happened, I was changed in a day, seriously, in one day, in the twinkling of an eye...even with a hangover and not a bad one either. Then hind sight being 20/20 I could see all the times I should've died and I knew that it was God...because exactly what He said in His word He would do, He did it. I can't prove that to you. I can only tell you how I now know. The Good Shepherd as He said in His word that nothing could snatch me out of His hand, and He snatched me back.

There's more, but that's one reason I believe in God. No I can't prove it to you, I can only tell you what I believe has been proven to me.


Senior Member
I have never told you that you are wrong. I keep asking questions. I answer yours with scenarios that makes sense and yes they do counter yours. I think you mistake my honesty with wisecracks.

Well I honestly feel that one day, both of us will have proof, too......I honestly believe that I'm going to heaven....that's honestly, too. See any difference?


Senior Member
Did for @20 years. Have more than a bunch since. I do not have to pretend God is real unless that is the key to it all. Nobody can prove a negative. We can only prove things that are positive and actually exist. There are many things that are imaginary and the reason they are imaginary is because they do not exist. For the first 20 years of my life I have thought as many Christians do. I didn't dare question anything religious. I went through life with blinders on. A few bad experiences with organized religion got me thinking in another direction and since then that direction is more real and makes more sense to me than everything I was taught before that. I stopped pretending 20 years ago.

Been there.

That is your belief, but you cannot prove you are right in my opinion, no more than I can prove I'm right. So you don't need to keep telling me that God doesn't exist to you, I gotcha on that, ok? If you ask questions, then I'm going to answer them, with my own opinion....isn't that what you want, or you just wanting an answer that you can tell me again how God is imaginary, He isn't to me.


Senior Member
BH, Can you prove to me that God doesn't exist? If someone were on the fence of believing God or not, how would you convince them there isn't a God?


Of the hard cast variety
BH, Can you prove to me that God doesn't exist? If someone were on the fence of believing God or not, how would you convince them there isn't a God?

Not being able to prove something that does not exist is not proof that it exists.

You believe that there is but One God. But yet by your logic you cannot prove that another just as powerful god does not exist, you can't prove that an even greater more powerful god does not exist and for all your might you cannot prove that hundreds of Gods ten times greater and more powerful than the Christian God do not exist. You cannot prove they don't exist so then do they exist? If they exist then the Christian God is not who it claims to be. If the Christian God exists because I cannot prove he doesn't, then the other Gods exist. If you accept one then you must accept them all.

I can't prove there is not unicorns, widgets, trolls, dragons, ghosts, vampires, where wolves, flying monkeys, wizards, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies, Loch Ness Monsters, BigFoots, flying carpets etc etc etc. So then it is logical for me to think that they actually exist or they are still imaginary and make believe?


Of the hard cast variety
BH, Can you prove to me that God doesn't exist? If someone were on the fence of believing God or not, how would you convince them there isn't a God?

Which God? Can I prove one is not more real than another?


Senior Member
Which God? Can I prove one is not more real than another?Come on, surely you've debated enough in your life to know what a person is talking about...what God have I been talking about? That God (the God of the Bible)....good's like pulling teeth around here to get a straight answer.

Would you please stop answering a question with another question?

Ok let me try this again, if someone you know is teetering on the fence and they are trying to decide whether they wanted to become a Christian or not.....just pretend, will ya? If that person ask you if you believed in the God of the Bible and you said no and they said why not, what would your answer be?

And if they then ask you how could you prove to them that the God of the Bible didn't would you answer them?


Senior Member
Not being able to prove something that does not exist is not proof that it exists.

You believe that there is but One God. But yet by your logic you cannot prove that another just as powerful god does not exist, you can't prove that an even greater more powerful god does not exist and for all your might you cannot prove that hundreds of Gods ten times greater and more powerful than the Christian God do not exist. You cannot prove they don't exist so then do they exist? If they exist then the Christian God is not who it claims to be. If the Christian God exists because I cannot prove he doesn't, then the other Gods exist. If you accept one then you must accept them all.

I can't prove there is not unicorns, widgets, trolls, dragons, ghosts, vampires, where wolves, flying monkeys, wizards, Santa Claus, Easter Bunnies, Loch Ness Monsters, BigFoots, flying carpets etc etc etc. So then it is logical for me to think that they actually exist or they are still imaginary and make believe?

I don't have to accept any other Gods and I've never said they don't exist. The God of the Bible, says not to have any other gods before Him, that leads me to believe that there are people that worship other gods...doesn't mean I have to accept those gods as my god now does it?

And besides I had a real santa claus when I was little, it was my daddy. He's gone now. And guess what there are flying monkeys. And trust me there are trolls, too. My daughter has 2 easter bunnies, they are mini easter bunnies. There are witches and wizards, too. And in my bead making tools I have lots of widgets.

No matter what you say there is no proof that you have come up yet without naming cartoon characters that proves there isn't a God of the Bible.

How do you know there is an albino deer? Have you seen one in real life? Have you seen hundreds of albino squirrells in a pack in real life? So basically you're saying just because you haven't seen a leprican that they don't exist, or a dinosauer, anything you haven't seen doesn't exist eh? Well alrighty then.

I bet you don't believe wrestling is real either, do ya?;)


Of the hard cast variety
Would you please stop answering a question with another question?

Ok let me try this again, if someone you know is teetering on the fence and they are trying to decide whether they wanted to become a Christian or not.....just pretend, will ya? If that person ask you if you believed in the God of the Bible and you said no and they said why not, what would your answer be?

And if they then ask you how could you prove to them that the God of the Bible didn't would you answer them?

I would tell them I do not believe because I do not think ONE religion is any more right than another religion. I would say the writings of ancient men are not the work of a supreme being and the book that they tout as his work reflects that.

I would say that it takes tangible evidence to prove something exists. There is no tangible evidence to prove a God exists.


Of the hard cast variety
I don't have to accept any other Gods and I've never said they don't exist. The God of the Bible, says not to have any other gods before Him, that leads me to believe that there are people that worship other gods...doesn't mean I have to accept those gods as my god now does it?

And besides I had a real santa claus when I was little, it was my daddy. He's gone now. And guess what there are flying monkeys. And trust me there are trolls, too. My daughter has 2 easter bunnies, they are mini easter bunnies. There are witches and wizards, too. And in my bead making tools I have lots of widgets.

No matter what you say there is no proof that you have come up yet without naming cartoon characters that proves there isn't a God of the Bible.

How do you know there is an albino deer? Have you seen one in real life? Have you seen hundreds of albino squirrells in a pack in real life? So basically you're saying just because you haven't seen a leprican that they don't exist, or a dinosauer, anything you haven't seen doesn't exist eh? Well alrighty then.

I bet you don't believe wrestling is real either, do ya?;)

Don't ever let that sense of fun and imagination get away from you.

I don't physically have to see anything to believe it. There is proof of these deer and squirrels existing. There are some alive today and evidence of their existence in the past.

Don't take my word about Leprechauns and Trolls, if you want to think they are frolicking around go right ahead.

Unfortunately, except in an individuals heart and mind, there is no evidence of what you think is unprovable existing.

If you need one word that proves to me God doesn't exist I'll say EVIL.


I Gots Goats
If you need one word that proves to me God doesn't exist I'll say EVIL.

I think evil is the proof that we are not predestined, not that God doesn't exist. I have said it before, but to me, existence itself is evidence of the supernatural. This is what kept me from completely falling off the fence years ago.


Senior Member
Don't ever let that sense of fun and imagination get away from you.

I don't physically have to see anything to believe it. There is proof of these deer and squirrels existing. There are some alive today and evidence of their existence in the past.

Don't take my word about Leprechauns and Trolls, if you want to think they are frolicking around go right ahead.

Unfortunately, except in an individuals heart and mind, there is no evidence of what you think is unprovable existing.

If you need one word that proves to me God doesn't exist I'll say EVIL.

Really? That makes no sense at all (and neither do the rest of your posts in this thread). You sound like Rick Perry.

Mountain Woman, meet Bullethead.


Of the hard cast variety
Really? That makes no sense at all (and neither do the rest of your posts in this thread). You sound like Rick Perry.

Mountain Woman, meet Bullethead.

Really? Hop in days later when the conversation is over and your only contribution is condescending remarks towards an individual???

everyone, meet....ahh they already know you and your style...

Sorry if you can't make sense of my posts Ted, get over it and move on. Maybe try not reading them. If I need your opinion I'll PM my posts to you so you can proof read and fix as you like. How long is it scientifically possible to hold your breath?

Ms. Mountain Woman, it was a pleasure to hold your conversation.

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
Don't ever let that sense of fun and imagination get away from you.

I don't physically have to see anything to believe it. There is proof of these deer and squirrels existing. There are some alive today and evidence of their existence in the past.

Don't take my word about Leprechauns and Trolls, if you want to think they are frolicking around go right ahead.

Unfortunately, except in an individuals heart and mind, there is no evidence of what you think is unprovable existing.

If you need one word that proves to me God doesn't exist I'll say EVIL.

Without God, and evil, there would be no understanding of "evil". Everything would be "normal"
Everything would be the result of how one evolved.


Of the hard cast variety
Without God, and evil, there would be no understanding of "evil". Everything would be "normal"
Everything would be the result of how one evolved.

Ron I can see why you believe that way, but evil is a word to describe the opposite of good. It is way overused. I don't think it all boils down to God & Evil, but Good & Evil.
Evil does not have a universal meaning.
Evil looking, could be just not attractive
Evil Sounding, could be just not pleasing to your ears
Evil smelling, could be something that does not smell good to you
Evil Mind, could be a genius, just finds smart ways to do bad things
Evil, just another word for Bad
A Quote by William P Young:
“Evil is a word we use to describe the absence of Good, just as we use the word darkness to describe the absence of Light or death to describe the absence of Life. Both evil and darkness can only be understood in relation to Light and Good; they do not have any actual existence.


Senior Member
A Quote by William P Young:
“Evil is a word we use to describe the absence of Good, just as we use the word darkness to describe the absence of Light or death to describe the absence of Life. Both evil and darkness can only be understood in relation to Light and Good; they do not have any actual existence.

Wow really. Smart man :rolleyes:

Evil or Good doesn't have any actual existence?
Light and darkness doesn't have any actual existence?

In this world and in the spiritual world, I can see both.

Evil manifests itself in the form of child molesters/killers, which is the worst evil IMO...and you don't even have to believe in the supernatural to see that. They live in darkness, they hide, they do their dirty deeds in dark dirty holes, or at night. They don't do it out in the open in the light where most of us live or can see them.

Good exists, our realm of reality and in the supernatural. Good manifests itself in many ways...and most of us witness those things...sometimes it manifests itself in us, even things we don't understand how it happened, why we thought of it, or why we did it.

We don't see a lot of evil because it is done in darkness or behind closed doors, however you want to look at it. We hear about it, but don't actually view it first hand.

I could go on and on, especially with personal experiences, I guess my gift is discerning of spirits. But I'll spare y'all of that.

I can close my eyes and see a vertical line, one side is dark and I can't see anything, I'm blind, and the other side is light where most good people choose to live. I don't tread in darkness anymore, and if I it calling me, I rebuke it and it becomes so real that I have to turn all the lights on in my house to keep the demons from luring me back into darkness. I guess that's where natural and supernatural meet. At the name of Jesus, the demons must flee and leave me alone.

Ramblin' Rose


Senior Member
Evil does not have a universal meaning. Really? So some people around the world accept child molestation as ok? How about thieves, nobody likes a thief
Evil looking, could be just not attractiveProbably if they are evil looking they are evil, not attractive means ugly to me, not evil
Evil Sounding, could be just not pleasing to your earsThe growl in some heavy metal groups sounds evil and offensive to me, however Metallica I like. Rap music that says kill yo mama, is evil, not just sounds evil
I know the difference in evil sounding and something that just bothers my ears.

Evil smelling, could be something that does not smell good to youI've never thought of cat urine or poop is evil, not even cow poop, not even a street urchine that can't take a bath and is a drunk and peed on themselves doesn't smell evil to me. I can smell the demon within them though, and will rebuke it for them, or try to touch them with a healing but not offending them with words.

Evil Mind, could be a genius, just finds smart ways to do bad thingsWell yeah! That's true, ie Hitler, Ted Bundy
Evil, just another word for BadDo you think of a bad fishing or hunting day as evil? I don't think of a bad hair day as evil. I don't think of one child hitting another child and saying you are a bad boy, as being evil, unless they slammed the car door on their fingers on purpose now that's an evil mind.

Ramblin' Rose part 2
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