Doe recovery from my dog's POV


Senior Member
Frank shot a doe this morning. He was facing east and had a little difficulty with the bright light as he turned the arrow loose. He sent me a message that he thought he hit her mid ship and a little high. Initially, we were going to give her a couple of hours. However, when he recovered the arrow, it was bright red. Zoey was waiting in the truck so we decided to put her on the track off lead, just in case the doe was still up. The trail started in planted pines and went to a fescue patch that had a lot of dew on it. The trail then went back into the planted pines. In the video, you can see Zoey backtrack a couple of times. I think she either lost the track or just wanted some re-assurance. I left Frank and his nephew and just started following Zoey, but she left me pretty quickly. I then started watching my gps. She was only 43 or so yards away, but I could not see her at all. She wasn't moving so I just made straight for her. You can see me walking up and loving on her for such hard work.

If nothing else, just watch her nose working even when she's running. She loves tracking more than anything else. She was shivering with excitement this morning when I was putting her vest and collar on.

Hope you guys enjoy seeing what she went through finding this doe.

The shot ended up catching in front of the diaphragm but was high, like he thought. That kept the blood to a minimum and just goes to show you how much quicker a dog can track compared to us.



Senior Member
Good work ....I got a buddy near me in west GA tracking now and is doing very well with it ......A buddy with a good dog is invaluable..!!! Keep it up Derik you can tell she loves it .!!!


Is that the battle dog cut vest/camera system?


Senior Member
She sure didn't slow down once she was on the trail.


King Casanova
Is that the battle dog cut vest/camera system?

Yes, it sure is. Nice products and good service from them.

Derik, this video is just awesome. I have never heard of this type of system before BUT it performs fantastic especially when Zoey is at the controls. Good Job and a Fast One too. I think your entire combination here is worth its weight in GOLD !!! :cheers::cheers:

Thanks for sharing with all of us.


Senior Member
Derik, this video is just awesome. I have never heard of this type of system before BUT it performs fantastic especially when Zoey is at the controls. Good Job and a Fast One too. I think your entire combination here is worth its weight in GOLD !!! :cheers::cheers:

Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Here is what it looks like with it on her. I opted for the blaze orange for obvious reasons and the strike vest is the lightest one they make. The tighter it is on her, the less it moves about.

The absolute best thing in the world is to have her lead you straight to a deer in the dark. She did that for me when she was about 3 months old on a gut shot one lung hit on a small doe. That was a feeling I'll never forget. Now we all can share that same feeling, at least on her day time tracks.

Need an IR model for the night tracks. I wouldn't dare strap a light on her and take the chance of messing up her night vision and getting hurt.

Anyway, glad you liked it!


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Senior Member
I agree, pretty girl & very cool vid


Senior Member
She does a great job. She even tenderizes the deer for free. Mine does the same thing. :bounce:
I have to keep mine on a leash. After he finds that one, he wants to go find another one. facepalm:
At least I know where the hounds at and where to go get him. Hes got a sound all his own. Thank god for short legs too. :D